

We remain poor but Africa is wealthy with knowledge and minerals.

Why are our natural resources not addressing African well being and our development?why  not is the Question we need  to ask.

Sign the petition if you agree that our answers to poverty liés within Africa and let our Leaders know.

The wealth of Africa in detail should be reflected in its communities.

The following items below hold feasible solutions to the well being of Africa at large.


  • oil, gold, platinum, diamond's, copper etc
  • (African minerals should be used to address  African well being and transform the beneficiaries of the continent instead of a hand few)


  • Writings without European and Arab influence

Kwandika, Kokoma, Sebe, Nsibidi,Barmun, mende and Geez. 

(Africa needs to pilot 1 of these written and spoken languages)instead of imposing western/European or Eastern languages.



  • slave colonial names

(These names are incorrect and have lost their significant purpose)

  • Education


Are they still relèvent?

(All Africans are entitled to amendments for the hardship endured during colonial oppression jus like the Jew's where compensated for the losses incurred during the Holocaust)

particularity of the white world in the face of its enforced claim to universality. Double consciousness is knowing the history offered up to black people—its many interpretations and echoes of white superiority and black inferiority, of white heroism and black cowardice, and even the temporal and geographical location of history’s beginning as a step off of the African continent—is a falsehood that blacks are forced to treat as truth in so many countless ways. Double consciousness, in other words, is knowing a lie while living its contradiction.Author Steve biko book title I write what I like.