Reject Proposed Rezoning on Winnetka and Harold 2023

This petition is in response to the current proposal to change the zoning of several properties on the corners of Highway 55, Winnetka Avenue, and Harold Avenue from Single-Family Residential (R1) to Medium Density Residential (R3) proposed by the planning commission on 2/16/23.

We, residents and homeowners of Golden Valley, respectfully urge the Golden Valley City Council to REJECT the proposal to rezone the properties on the corner of Highway 55, Winnetka, and Harold from R1 (Single-Family) to R3 (Medium Density).

We are OPPOSED to the change in zoning as proposed for many reasons, including but no limited to:

  • Safety and Traffic:  A multi-story building will substantially increase the number of people and traffic in this already busy area of Golden Valley: 
    • Harold Ave and Winnetka Ave already have heavy traffic, particularly around rush hour, and adding higher-density housing will substantially increase motor vehicle traffic. Speeding is also a frequent problem. Making these roads a part of the access solution for a multi-story complex will only increase these issues and push traffic further into our neighborhoods.
    • Many small children live in the area, and this is an active area of the city for people who enjoy using the outdoor green spaces (bikers, dog walkers, runners, etc.) Residents are already impacted by traffic and speeding in this area. We have serious concerns about the ability to preserve the safety of these families and community members if we were to increase the density of the area substantially. 
  • Environmental Concerns: Loss of trees, loss of drainage area, increased traffic, less ‘green’ space, and potential negative impact on the Western AveMarsh/wildlife.
  • Poor Fit: Multi-story complexes are out of character for this area and do not fit the neighborhood.


Thank you for your time and your consideration in this matter.

Harold-Rhode Island-Winnetka Neighborhood    Contact the author of the petition

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