
Dr.Status is a facebook group which contains trolls and they are all over fb and their groups. As soon as something is found somewhere that can be laughed at or pulled or twisted into something it's not (which ends up hurting peoples feelings) a screen print is taken from that group and is posted in Dr.Status. Even though the name of the group and the person as well as the photo is removed, the text is still there and quite often the post is very sensitive in subject. What Dr.Status does is laugh at people's problems or issues or situations they're in and they're heartless, refusing to remove posts even though admins from groups posts are taken from (as well as the member him or her self) are contacting the admins at Dr.Status, they still don't remove posts from their group no matter how insulting it is to the person who owns the original post the screen dump was made out of.


This is a petition to want to close Dr.Status down for good and make facebook listen to us! That group is insulting and it hurts peoples' feelings, we want them to stop this bullying group!

Sign with your name and email and hope facebook founders and staff will listen to out plead to remove this group and not allow it back again!