Remove Wagoner County District Attorney Jack Thorpe and Wagoner County Sheriff Chris Elliot

We are here to hold all criminals accountable and remove those that don't stand for equal rights and accountability evenly across the board for (All) people. We can't have a divided justice system as that in itself is injustice using two sets of rules where some are favored and slide by when the rest are held accountable. Wagoner County and it's people, we the people need change. We need healing and to recover just as do the victims and their families. How many more lawsuits can taxpayers in this county handle. We want Wagoner County Sheriff Chris Elliott removed from office as Sheriff and we want Wagoner County District Attorney Jack Thorpe removed from his office as District Attorney. Their failure to lead, obey laws , prosecute and strive for all to be held equally accountable are grounds for removal. All people should and must be held accountable without overlooking the favored while prosecuting the unfavored. We must not have a sheriff in office that angers so easily , loses controlin anger tugging a female or any person and dragging them by their hair in a  use of excessive force. That is a liability to taxpayers having a sheriff that's as much a criminal as those he locks up and some for lesser of crimes. There's no dignity in having a sheriff lock people up for crimes he himself has also committed.

Sheriff Chris Elliot dragged a female inmate by her hair in a use of excessive force and nothing was done. Nice corrupt district attorney Wagoner county has. The video is on YouTube.

Here's more Wagoner. County corruption

And more corruption


And more corruption

Follow Tim Snow on YouTube and you will learn how in Wagoner County the County the bigger criminal than it's citizens!!! From the Sheriff Chris Elliot, to the District Attorney Jack Thorpe and his office, to the Prosecutors, to the County Commissioners. It's time for change. It's time to stand up. There shouldn't be 2 sets of rules. One where the regular folks get punished for crimes committed and one set where those in charge slide by while putting liability on the tax payer. Groups should surround the courthouse and sheriff's office demanding change. Here's another case that almost cost the taxpayers of Wagoner County under Sheriff Chris Elliot's watch and District
Attorney Jack Thorpes watch. In which noone was prosecuted but should've been. The man was asking for help several times and all they chose to do was take him , take him in their own words. He was unable to rollover with officers on him and often officers not coordinated with one another fighting against each other yet telling a person to roll over while one officer is for ing the victim to the left and the other forcing the victim to the right in which makes one another feel a suspect is fighting with the officers in which leads to the suspect becoming a victim in which dies from the struggle that's more of a struggle between deputies as the victim wasn't in control. The deputies were. Can Wagoner County afford many more settlements due to lack of leadership and training due to Sheriff Chris Elliot's lacking ability. Can families afford to lose more children while the sheriff and district attorney stay in charge while not losing any of their own family members and settlements being put on taxpayers while noone in charge or enabling this conduct pays a price. No arrests they remain free as if nothing ever happened. Is this right. Id this what they call and justice for all. We need to sign petitions for their removal. Another death video. 


Michael Jackson (Wagoner Counties United we stand for Accountability and Equality).    Contact the author of the petition

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