Only in Cyprus...Discover the Dinosaurs...explore the mystery of pre-historic life in a CEMENT FACTORY!

I was so excited that we were to embark on a new experience for our boys.

It was about a 'first' experience. First word. First step. First tooth. First grade. First dinosaur exhibit?

Our boys woke up their Daddy at 6:00am on Sunday morning, anxiously waiting to attend their first ever dinosaur exhibition. Theodoros put on his soldier clothing & black beret thinking that he was about to attend a national event.  Our eldest son Demetris, was reviewing his collection of dinosaur books in anticipation of seeing a real T-REX skeleton.

The exhibit was scheduled to open at 10:00am but fortunately we arrived early. Just in time to meet a very passionate grey- haired man at the entrance. He formally welcomed us to his dinosaur exhibit and introduced us to his life long dream.

As we were entering the building, I suddenly realized that we were at a CEMENT FACTORY. To be exact, the Tsircon Cement Factory. Oh God, where have we come? Is the TREX just a cement mold? How can I justify this one to the boys? I promised them pre-historic life dinosaur skeletons at the museum. Was this just another reminder that parenthood is a lifetime of guilt?

Thankfully, for the grey haired man. The dinosaur exhibition was bigger and better than we could have ever imagined.

He certainly earned every grey hair because he evidently did it alone. Without the help of dinosaur like politicians but with several devoted volunteers that successfully attracted thousands of exhibitors from all walks of life.

Thank you Tsricon Foundation. We have successfully added 'first dinosoar exhibition' to our experiences because of you.

I have to come to the realization that is only in Cyprus...because our politicians are the real dinosaurs living in the past. is up to us to ROARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR to see change.

Please support our petition and demand for the Republic of Cyprus to support the Tsircon Foundation by providing suitable facilities for their spectacular dinosaur collection.