Review of selection process at Prague Academy for post of prof. M. Knížák

Petition for an inquiry into decision made by selection committee in case of Intermedia Studio I leading teacher competition enacted in Academy of Fine Arts in Prague (AVU).


The petition has been drawn up by the Committee on Petitions which is to act in place of current students of Studio of Intermedia Work I. The Committee on Petitions comprises of:

MgA. Vladan Kolář, the representative of the Committee on Petitions, studying the fourth year of doctoral studies, residing in Malířská 328/16, Praha 7;

MgA. Jan Vlček, studying the third year of doctoral studies, residing in Bolevecká 24, Plzeň;

MgA. Zbyněk Havlín, studying the first year of doctoral studies, residing in Brunclíkova 1758/20, Praha 6;

MgA. Kateřina Tichá, studying the first year of doctoral studies, residing in Husova 215, Čáslav.


The undersigned demand a review of selection committee decision that was made in case of the election of Intermedia Studio I leading teacher enacted in AVU on the 26th of January 2015 for the following reasons:

·      During the selection process prof. Milan Knížák, DrA, the founder and the present leader of the Studio of Intermedia Work I, has proved the highest pedagogical qualities and requirements for leading the studio among other applicants.

·      The decision of committee and Rector shall follow the interests of Academy and of directly concerned students above all.

·      The replacement of the leading teacher fundamentally disrupts an individual development of current students which has been started on the platform of pedagogical methodology elaborated by prof. Milan Knížák.

·      Contemporary intermedia studios are based from the concept of intermedia teaching elaborated by prof. Milan Knížák who was the very first in Czechoslovakia who came with the idea of intermediality as the free movement between media.

·      Both of the opponents (doc. MgA. Milena Dopitová and Mgr. ak. mal. Ivan Vosecký, Ing. arch.) are former students of prof. Milan Knížák. This fact affirms the pedagogical achievements of prof. Knížák.

·      The fact that an artist owning a worldwide credit involves in pedagogical activities is germane to the entire Czech education system.

·      Prof. Knížák is at present in top form in pedagogical as well as artistic field and therefore there is no reason for terminating his engagement at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. There is a conviction that such an eminent personality of high artistic repute is indispensable not only to the Studio of Intermedia Work but also to the whole Academy.


The selection of prof. Milan Knížák’s awards follows to support statements mentioned above:

·      The Award of Jiří Kolář, 1977, Prague

·      Grand Prix of V. International Triennale of Drawing, 1992, Wroclav, Poland

·      The Medal of Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports in pedagogical activity, 1997, Prague

·      Laureat Nagrody „ARTeonu”, 2002, Poznan, Polsko

·      The Award of Universitas Masarykiana Foundation, Masarykova univerzita, Brno, 2006 

·      An honour granted by the President of Czech Republic for merit in culture and arts, 28th of October 2010

MgA. Vladan Kolář    Contact the author of the petition