Say “No” to the current PZC recommended conditions for the ICN 248th Avenue development and add the below conditions that ensure responsible future development and public participation in the process

The Islamic Center of Naperville (ICN) is seeking approval to construct a multi-phase facility (Phase I mosque, Phase II K-5 school, Phase III banquet hall, Phase IV fitness center and Phase IV mosque expansion) on 248th Avenue in Naperville, IL (between 95th St and 103rd St). This location is in an entirely residential R1 low-density single family zone, surrounded by homes, parks, walking trails and bike paths. The proposed development is over 121,000 square feet and is unprecedented in size for the location with only one road to access the facility.

While we support religious freedom and welcome diversity within our neighborhoods, we also support responsible development. We support the Phase I Mosque, but this phase makes up only 26% of the proposed development. There are traffic safety issues and unmitigated risks that need to be resolved before approval of the subsequent phases is granted.    

Please let the City of Naperville know that you support Phase I but the subsequent phases need to be done responsibly and come back for Conditional Use approval with the public participation that was promised to the residents at annexation. Please sign this petition and let the Naperville City Council hear your voice.

We encourage you to submit your concerns and comments about this project via email by November 11 to the Naperville City Council members at 


We, the undersigned community members, are opposed to the approval of the Conditional Use and request for the north fence variance regarding the Islamic Center of Naperville’s 248th Avenue Project as it has been submitted to the City of Naperville because the conditions recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) are not adequate to ensure responsible development with public input.

Our concerns are many and not limited to the following:

  • There is not a solution for the Tall Grass Greenway Trail crossing until the 248th Avenue road improvements are complete; phases built before the road improvements creates safety risks
  • The City has not confirmed whether the north access will be Full or Right In/Right Out only. The traffic study assumes Full access after Phase I but City Staff had concerns with the conflict with the trail and did not commit to approving a Full access; the traffic study may not reflect actual operations.
  • Until the 248th Avenue road improvements are complete, through traffic will back up behind ICN traffic; this creates traffic congestion and collision and diversion risk
  • The school pick up stacking area is inadequate for the number of students resulting in traffic back ups onto 248th Avenue
  • The banquet hall occupancy could be as high as 1,500-2,000 per the table ICN used to calculate occupancy but only 500 was used for the traffic and parking studies
  • To fit the required parking for Phase V, the south landscaping buffer would need to be eliminated
  • ICN was not willing to compromise with the residents; the plans got worse when they removed parking but didn’t downsize the buildings or occupancy
  • PZC recommended administrative review for Phases II, III and IV which shuts the public out of the process and decisions will be made behind closed doors by City Staff; the same City Staff who originally recommended the project be approved in full without any conditions

We petition that the Naperville City Council incorporate the following conditions into their approval for the Islamic Center of Naperville’s Conditional Use for 248th Avenue:  

These conditions are in addition to, enhance or expand the conditions recommended by PZC.  

  1. Phase I (Mosque)- approve now and build at anytime
  2. 248th Avenue road improvements must be completed before any phases after Phase I
  3. Phase II (School) - come back for Conditional Use approval with final Engineering plans, with a traffic study based on the 248th Avenue road improvements, and other requested items recommended by PZC in condition #4
  4. Phase III (Banquet Hall), IV (Fitness Center) and V (Mosque Expansion)- come back for Conditional Use approval with final Engineering plans and other requested items recommended by PZC in condition #4
    1. Phases must be brought individually and cannot be combined in the same Conditional Use request which is in alignment with ICN’s phasing plan and ensures the traffic impacts of each phase can be properly evaluated
    2. The subsequent phases cannot be brought forward until the previous phase is in operation and the traffic study can be based on traffic and road conditions of the previous phases
  5. The 27.5-foot landscaping buffer on the south side of the subject property will be permanently maintained as a landscaping buffer
    1. At annexation, attorney Monson told the City Council that ICN will provide “special protections” to create a buffer between the property and its closest homeowners
    2. If this condition is not in place, the adjacent homeowners are at risk in a future phase of having parking constructed in this buffer area where cars could be parked 10 feet from the homeowner property lines.  
  6. Deny the North Fence variance
    1. Any fence constructed must be without gates
    2. At annexation, ICN committed to complying with the City zoning code which requires the fence to be built
    3. City Staff has ignored the zoning code and fundamental planning principles to placate the petitioner
    4. ICN representatives met with Penncross Knoll residents and told them that ICN would build the fence
  7. A front yard setback variance cannot be requested in a future phase for the purpose of providing for more parking spaces
  8. Parking cannot be constructed over the detention basin
  9. Parking cannot be constructed above or below grade level  
  10. For any new major change or minor request to develop or otherwise develop the property either through an administrative review process or a Conditional Use request, the Tall Grass HOA, Penncross Knoll HOA, and Ashwood Pointe HOA must be notified and provided plans at least ninety (90) days in advance of any public hearing for the request or at least thirty (30) days in advance of any administrative determinations.
  11. Landscaping on the north, east and south sides of the site will comply with the landscaping zoning code for properties abutting residential neighborhoods
  12. Each traffic study conducted after Phase I should be comprehensive and include signalled intersections of 248th Avenue at 103rd Street, Trumpet Avenue, 95th Street, and also at the Wolf’s Crossing Road and Trumpet Avenue intersection.  The study should also evaluate street parking in and traffic diversion through the Tall Grass, Ashwood Pointe and Penncross Knoll neighborhoods.