To stop the Royal British Legion closing the 4 Break Centres across the UK and Handy van Service.



There’s one in Weston that’s closing

Kerry Stark (Weston super mare , 2019-12-22)


Ex Service personnel need more care workers and to keep these centres open!

Marguerite Wilkins (Manilva , 2019-12-22)


These homes are needed and should be kept open

Lesley Fuller (Cambridge, 2019-12-22)


It’s important that these break centres stay open

Kathleen Day (Weston super Mare , 2019-12-22)


I have worked in the SLH Weston-super-Mare and I have seen how much these break centres are valued by the local community and guests.

Katie Cavill (Weston-super-Mare , 2019-12-23)


My aunt has recently stayed at Byng House and thought it was fabulous and I am signing it for others who may have had or would have been lucky enough to stay here!!

Joan McGilton (Liverpool , 2019-12-23)


This is a terrible decision

Stephen Jones (Liverpool , 2019-12-24)


I think it would be extremely sad that such a wonderful place would have to close denying those people who did so much to help others, particularly during wartime, enjoying some happiness.

Graeme Kitts (Liverpool, 2019-12-24)


The RBL are going from bad to worse. High time they got their priorities right instead of paying for to many highly paid people who have never done a day's service. The RBL was set up to assist ex service people and their families not fill the pockets of the ones I have just mentioned. Don't join the RBL until things change dramatically.

Andrew Holder (Burnley , 2019-12-24)


As a ex-serviceman, who had to make use of the Combat Stress facilities, I am for the families you currently offer being maintained and remaining open to those who need them.

Arthur McArdle (Warrington , 2019-12-24)


The rbl have enough money in the bank to keep them open and veterans need them.

Steve Mattok (Manchester, 2019-12-24)


The amount of money I've donated to you was to Help vets. These holiday centres are so greatly appreciated by people who Need them. Don't close them, shut your expensive head office and rent rooms.

Pete Smith (Bristol, 2019-12-24)


it's a disgrace when these oasis for people in need of respite are closed down to secure the future of the Ivory Towers in London ...

ben robinson (nelson, 2019-12-24)


I feel these facilities do a lot of good work and should not be closed

Andrew Kelso (Ballymoney , 2019-12-25)


it has to be done.

John Harvey (Nelson, 2019-12-25)


I have been a caseworker for 25 years, a Poppy Appeal Organizer for 15 years and an RBL member for 30 years and the Break Centres have been my greatest motivation; why the heck should I continue to bother?

Rick Owen (Trowbridge, 2019-12-25)


The British legion appears to be trying to build an already enormous amount of cash by closing our rest houses without consultation. Also they have changed the method of obtaining tickets for the albert hall witch appears to be against distributing tickets through the legion but it also appears that persons did appear to get tickets through the british legion in July long before tickets available to veterans on 1st August. A slap in the face for veterans. There where very few medals on display on the ground floor and from where I sat there was 40 seats empty.

Bill McGrath (Belfast, 2019-12-27)


I've never been to Bennett House but I think it's great for veterans to have somewhere in UK to go too relax and enjoy good company

Valerie Killow (Carrickfergus, 2019-12-28)


I an totally against the closure of these centres. As a long standing RBL member and Chairman of Trowbrige RBL i am very frustrated the those at Haigh House who can make such a significant change without informing the membership.

Roy Zaman (WESTBURY, 2019-12-28)


I too am disgusted that the RBL is acting in this way.

Susan Zaman (Trowbridge, 2019-12-28)


This is a pure injustice and has had an effect on someone close to me that my branch helped and assisted.

Tom Rigby (Chorley , 2019-12-28)


I support out servicemen and woman and recognise that Bennett House is essential for the wellbeing of those who served with honour on behalf of our country.

Cllr Edgar Scott (Limavady , 2019-12-28)


I'm signing this petition as an ex-serviceman who is disgusted at the RBL's proposal to close the break. Although I've never had the need to use any of the break centres I know of a number of my less fortunate former comrades in arms who have had the need to use them and the breaks proved very beneficial for health and mental well being.

Robert Millington (Warrington, 2019-12-28)


The RBL HQ has lost its way and fails to understand the needs of those who call upon them for assistance. These locations offer an invaluable respite for the forces community, still serving or retired.

Philip Zaman (Tadley, 2019-12-28)


Because they do such good work

Elizabeth Burford (Manchester , 2019-12-28)


This is not the right thing to do

Paul Sinclair (Lancashire , 2019-12-28)


I think it’s terrible that they can shut these centres with all the money we’ve raised over the years there just as bad as help for heroes

Wayne Hester (Blackburn , 2019-12-28)


We need to support veterans.

Helen Harris (Christchurch, 2019-12-28)


I think it a total disgrace to close these rest hotels, especially with the money the legion as in the bank and maybe they should be looking at the pay the head sheds get, once again they look after there own and the underlings suffer

ROY HATCH (RUGBY, 2019-12-28)


Supporting a needy cause.

Colin Errington (Bolton, 2019-12-29)


It's wrong that you roughshod over everyone's feelings

robin de beaufort (Liverpool , 2019-12-29)


Surely there's lower priority items that can be cut back, some of these establishments are vital and to some members these are the only contact and communication that they get.

Antoni Stanczyk (Preston , 2019-12-29)


I stayed at Alderson House 3 years ago over Christmas. It was invaluable during a depressive time of year for me.

Keith Evans (Holyhead, 2019-12-29)


I believe this decision has not been thoroughly thought through and has not been consulted throughout the entire membership.

Graham Harris (CHEDDAR, 2019-12-29)


It is a very necessary service

J Hanley (Kettering , 2019-12-31)


I do not understand why these four places and what they mean to loyal dependents should be closed. The timing of this act, immediately after Remembering the fallen, and just. Before a Christmas is shocking and we are still in need of such wonderful places for our present armed forces.
Personally Byng House and it’s fantastic staff turned my life around and I. Am only one of many who have experienced such help and kindness.

Elizabeth Anne Hargreaves (Southport , 2019-12-31)


I believe that closing these homes that it will put the RBL in a bad light with the rest of the public. Once they know the true facts the British Public may decide to stop supporting the RBL.

Ken Scott (Trowbridge, 2020-01-03)


This closure is a disgraceful act and may well impact on the ex-service community's need for respite care in a secure location which is Bennet House.

William Craig (Bangor Co Down , 2020-01-09)


The RBL have lost touch with the veterans on the ground. This is a backward step to close facilities that are so important.



Veterans need more support, not have support taken away

Karl McCleery (Enniskillen , 2020-01-09)


I'm signing because these respite centres are a vital service for ex service personnel and their families. How darw the RBL close them. Bennet House in NI is the only respite centre in Ireland that many many people need, enjoy and rely on. They served this country!!!

Nicola Scott (Omagh, 2020-01-09)


I suffered very from PTSD badly all so other injuries I got in the army I been a member of RBL for many years as is my wife also ex service w QRANC my week away gives her time to relax with out worrying about me there not a lot out there for use who put there life on the line to keep HM the Queen and the United Kingdom safe less we forget is said every 11/11 every year if The RBL goes down that road many of use veterans will leave if it’s money put fees up and wages down

Kevin Rogers (Ashington Northumberland , 2020-01-10)


These services are so needed by many who so deserve support

Ted Wilmont (Astwood bank, 2020-01-11)


The Legion has enough money to fund this service.

Tom Benson (Bristol, 2020-01-12)


This decision is so short sighted and will do more damage to the RBL in the long run . The government and politicians have turned their back on veterans and it seems the RBL is following suit

bob horner (Bourgas, 2020-01-13)


I know lovely elderly people who visit Byng house

Stephen Price (PRESTON, 2020-01-14)


I believe the board of the RBL are acting in a way, contrary to the interests of RBL members.

Mike White (COLERAINE, 2020-01-17)


My father uses the facility and finds it invaluable

Mark Glover (Liverpool, 2020-01-20)


People do not realise how vital these restbite centres are.

Karen Phillips (Castledawson , 2020-01-20)


I think it is a travesty that the Legion would countenance closing these places where respite and a break for those who have served our country with bravery and distinction takes place. The Legion need to develop not close these facilities.

John Martin (Limavady, 2020-01-20)


I disagree with the closure of this valuable facility

Bryan Olliver (Antrim, 2020-01-20)


My grandparents ran Byng House in Southport for many years, my Dad grew up there.

Graham Cox (Cheadle, 2020-01-22)


The closure of these vital facilities is a travesty and further demonstrates the massive gap between commercialism and the purpose of caring for the support and welfare of UK veterans not to mention the job losses as a result of this disappointing decision. The Royal British Legion is obviously filled with greed to sell off these properties decided by board members and executive staff who have never served a day in the UK Armed Forces. The Royal British Legion announced the closures after swiping thousands of pounds from donations from the general public due to their generosity for the Poppy Appeal. Most of these properties including Somerset Legion House received a programme of renovation which has cost of several thousands of pounds now to be wasted. I believe an audit of their financial accounts should now be instructed to UK Government see where all this money is actually going with thousands held in reserve bank accounts also requires investigation.

Gary Stevens (Crawley, 2020-01-22)


With only four centres throughout the country
this will be a great loss to the ex forces community



We give generously to the RBL so they can support our retired and wounded veterans. The Legion does not do enough for veterans in Northern Ireland.

Fiona Condie (Bangor Co Down, 2020-01-24)


It’s a disastrous decision

James Durkan (Blackpool , 2020-01-24)


This is a truly disgraceful decision. The RBL appear to have forgotten their history and purpose. All the while, paying Directors and Stakeholders, ridiculous sums of money. Shame on you.

Christopher Richards (Telford , 2020-01-24)


Veterans are being forgotten by all agencies that are meant to support Us in our hours of need. Now the Legion is forsaking is as well-it’s our Legion not “stake holders” we are being treated as irrelevant

Neil Mckinney (Tadley, 2020-01-25)


I totally disagree with this decision by the fat cats in the RBL

David Bullick (Craigavon , 2020-01-25)


It's a disgrace how the RBL is now ran and its priorities no longer support the veterans community

Albi Senior (Tunbridge wells, 2020-01-25)


We have had respite breaks at Bung House Southport, and they have helped us enormously. My husband has had numerous illnesses over the years including 2 strokes Asbestosis and Alzheimer's. It has been a haven where we have been able to find support and care beyond belief. This closer has come as a complete shock to us and now have nowhere to turn to for a break.

Michael and Dorothy Roberts (Manchester M410XX, 2020-01-26)


I feel very strongly that these valued facilities should not be allowed to close or disappear. The Legion is losing sight of its core values & is at risk of becoming self serving!

Sarah Reakes (Bristol, 2020-01-27)


These closures are a betrayal of what the Royal British Legion is and what it stands for. The lack of consultation on an important decision like this is breathtaking.

Mike Sewell (Bristol, 2020-01-27)


Royal British Legion have taken this action without any regard to the feelings of the membership. They are sitting on over £70 million. These Break facilities are needed more than pensions for the top Brass

simon Reakes (Bristol, 2020-01-27)


I am at the Stage in Life where I can no longer afford or enjoy a Holiday Break due to the Cost and the Lack of Facilities in most Hotels. The one Hotel in Bournemouth which I was hoping to attend a Reunion of the HMS Gambia Association, has only ONE Disabled Room, and that is always pre-booked for years ahead it seems. So, to close our only other option is absolutely absurd, and denies my wife and I the option to have a decent break.
My Wife is a Cancer Survivor, and I am an Disabled Veteran Royal Marine. If you have to reduce expenditure, then, try looking to Pall Mall first and also the cost of a President!

Ernest Hartland (Bristol, 2020-01-27)


Poppy break centres are neccesity not luxury

Jonathan Johns (Armagh, 2020-01-27)


I feel that we owe it to our Veterans to have some where to rest and forget their problems. After all they gave all for us

Bernard Hartland (Dudley, 2020-01-27)


I am signing because I object to the hotels being closed and too much money being spent on salaried officials and their overall costs.

John Crew (Clevedon, 2020-01-28)


My step father served in parachute regiment. He developed Alzheimer’s in his 70s and Byng house enabled his wife to have a well deserved break whilst I was able to bring him for the day to enjoy a cup of tea away from the care home. It was a safe peaceful haven for them both. Staff were friendly. Rooms beautiful. Entertainment brilliant. Food delicious. It was so warming to my heat in that he was given this free in recognition of what he did for his country. I am so sad to hear of this closure. It must not happen. Bynghouse provides an invaluable service for those who need and deserve it.

Julie Teeling (Preston, 2020-01-28)


I don't think that they should be closing down any of the buildings. As people need them. I'm a member of Sydenham Branch

William Lennox (Belfast, 2020-01-29)


RBL should be there to serve our veterans not a CEO’s lifestyle

Jason Shillito (LONDON , 2020-01-29)


I am a poppy appeal volunteer,and as such have been part of a great team in Dover.How now do l explain to potential doners that we are cutting respite homes and van man? dispite their donation?

John Dickinson (Dover, 2020-01-31)


I am a young veteran who cannot get these services elsewhere like from help the aged etc. The members ( myself included) were not consulted and its us that stand in the freezing cold to raise the money the RBL receive. This year we had 5 elderly volunteers (ex forces most of them) hospitalized with pneumonia in the future I feel we will struggle to get volunteers for the poppy appeal

Danielle Reilly (Sheffield , 2020-02-02)


Being a veteran myself and a former SSAFA caseworker I know how valuable the UK break centres are and I think it is a disgrace that the RBL are planning to close them down.

George Preston (Barrow In Furness, 2020-02-02)


I am 85 blind served for 42 years and now am housebound. My wife who is disabled having no hands and has a broken back accompanied me last year and we were so looked after we really benefitted from the brake. The handy man in invaluable and we would be lost without as we have no family to help us with the various small jobs I.e. Changing light bulbs mending various small fixtures which have become worn out

John Casey (Liverpool, 2020-02-03)


Its wicked to take these holidays away from veterans that look forward to it..absolutely criminal

Deborah spencer (Surrey, 2020-02-04)


This decision is not correct, and needs to be looked at again. If the Royal British Legion was strapped for cash you could understand the decision, But that is not the case. The Royal British Legion is awash with money £176.0000.00 in the 2018 report but for some reason the Royal British Legion is hoarding money!! I would call on the Royal British Legions Patron Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11 to intervene in this matter. The Royal Brithish Legion has more than enough cash to keep open the four rest centres that it is closing for Servings Armed Forces personal plus veterans, and do the other things that it says it wants to do. Don’t forget Royal British Legion if you carry on making decisions like this it is just a matter of time before you lose the support of the United Kingdom’s public!!

Russell Darlington (Stoke-on-Trent, 2020-02-08)


I am signing this because it is a betrayal of everything the Royal British Legion stands for. Our veterans deserve kinder thoughts and intentions than creating HeartBreak Hotels. It is a shameful and shocking sell-off

Arthur Lamb (Goostrey, 2020-02-11)


I am a member of the British Legion as a supporter and have visited Byng House where my Gt Gt Uncle Richard Masters VC wss honoured. I as a member object to the closure of this facility

Paul Grice (Higher Bebington, 2020-02-12)


This facility is vital, and would be a total sellout to our veterans. Disgraceful

Pat Lewis (Liverpool, 2020-02-12)


The RBL have no right to close this facility without consultation with the people who donate vast amounts of money to them.

Derek Saul (Ellesmere Port, 2020-02-13)


As a veteran I see a growing need for this sort of facility, not a program of closure!

Martin Hoy (Grantham , 2020-02-13)


The RBL is no longer fit for purpose. Closing these centres to realise more money in the bank is not what the RBL used to stand for.

Stephen Kent (Loughborough, 2020-02-13)


I am against the clousurr

Wilf Lavelle (Warrington , 2020-02-13)


It is a terrible shame closing these places

Keith Johnston (Belfast, 2020-02-13)


They have helped me through dark times due to ill health

John Watson (Chester, 2020-02-19)


I'm signing because this is an absolute disgrace. Why do we have a poppy appeal every year. Oh, ofcourse we have to pay the CEO and 50 million in wages and all the poor old veteran gets is 15 pence in the pound. Look on RBL website. Disgraceful

Linda Vine (Clacton, 2020-02-21)


I understand the psychological benefits of the Poppy Break Centers. This is an excellent service with real positive benefits for ex service people who need to spend time with fellow veterans during difficult times in their lives!

Marty Hardy (LEEDS, 2020-02-22)


It is a means for ex service to meet.

James Duffy (Londonderry, 2020-02-27)


I have seen the huge benefit that a break in one of these centres can bring.

gary pennells (Crewkerne, 2020-02-27)


I'm signing because I am disgusted by this action taken by TRBL and I do not believe that proper weighting was applied to the value of the service to the beneficiaries. The decision was taken in haste and without proper consultation with the organisation's members. It seems therefore that a simple financial business justification given by the out of touch executive committee has been blindly endorsed by the Trustees at cost to the many people who benefit from the service or who will over the following years. In short - I do not trust this decision is correct. A 100% cut at stage one seems too harsh; if there is a financial imperative balanced against current and forecast changing needs surely a phased closure over 10 years or more would be better...

Andy Pearce (Lincoln, 2020-03-02)


Because they serve a purpose and are needed for rest and recuperation by the veteran community

Andy Gleavr (Fleetwood, 2020-03-02)


I believe this is appalling by money grabbers in London

Timothy Sturges (Newbridge, 2020-03-02)


The closures should definitely not happen. They cannot possibly be justified in a country that offers us very little anyway in the wider community.

Adrian Craddock (Warrington, 2020-03-02)


I have benefited from having a break at Byng House. My stay there helped me greatly when I was diagnosed with heart failure. It will be a great shame and a very sad loss if Byng House is closed

Rosemary Bond (Bolton, 2020-03-03)


I was a member of the British Legion for many years and I was so disgusted at the cost cutting exercises of the RBL and helping to prop up another charity that I came out. I was also a standard bearer and proud of it but I'm sorry no more. We were raising money to help veterans but now this is not helping anyone.

Kim Bates (Woodbury, 2020-03-04)


Want to stop the closure and the "Reason why" to fund over paid beauroctrats!!

Tommo RE (Lincoln, 2020-03-05)


I think it's time the legion did what its veterans want...not the civvies that runnit on massive wages

Joy Gillespie (Halifax , 2020-03-05)


The beak centres provide an indispensable service to the military community.

David Cunliffe (Mytholmroyd, 2020-03-05)


We don’t do enough for our own

Elaine Scott-Farrington (Bolton, 2020-03-05)


These are vital services for veterans

Colin Pearson (Bradford , 2020-03-05)


It's important

Chris O'Neill (Staffordshire, 2020-03-06)


These centres in my view give social rest bite to them and their families who have fallen on hard times

Jim Porter (Lincoln , 2020-03-06)


This should never be happening
We need to be reducing the wages of the RBL bosses !!!!

Peter Thomas (Lincoln , 2020-03-07)


I am disappointed in the British Legion we are not children we are ex service personnel how dour you tell me that you now what is the right thing for me without asking me. The right thing for me is 2 weeks at BYNG House, For the first time in 40 years I will not be wearing a poppy or collecting for you in protest so is this the right thing for you !.

Peter Deluce (Lancashire, 2020-03-13)


as a veteran aged 77 and in poor health and on a limited pension the British legion Somerset house has been a lifesaver for myself and my wife , you must respect those have served in the past , and not only the present

David Preston (tenbury wells, 2020-03-15)


The services proposed to be cut are at the very heart of what the RBL is about. I am strongly opposed to these proposed closures.

Anthony Jermyn (Newport, 2020-03-17)

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