Sign for Motion of No Confidence Justin Trudeau



Trudeau, bill morneau, catherine mackenna, Freeland etc all need to go to jail.

Chris Martens (Saskatoon , 2020-10-13)


Justin Trudeau needs to be removed and charged

Brett Hannah (Edmonton, 2020-10-13)


I want accountability from the governing party, both fiscally and ethically. Tired of Trudeau evading questions concerning his integrity and honesty. I believe he is corrupt and fiscally irresponsible.

Patricia Martchenko (Burlington, 2020-10-13)


He is corrupt and
In the most important position in the country.

Andrea Gosse (Bradford , 2020-10-13)


This corruption needs to end NOW!

René Jansen (Chilliwack , 2020-10-13)


Trudeau is ruining my life.

Carrie Sorenson (Fort Saskatchewan Alberta i, 2020-10-13)


Trudeau is incompetent and needs to resign immediately

Dawn Winn (Val Caron, 2020-10-13)


This man's goal is to bring Canada to it's knees and then he can rule with more dictatorship. He and his henchmen need to go.

Dianne Smith (Redcliff, 2020-10-13)


I want Justin Trudeau gone I have no confidence in him running our world and feel he should be charged with crimes against humanity and leave without a pension. Pay back the money he took from usas well.

Kim Poots (London ON, 2020-10-13)


I’m signing because I have no confidence in Trudeau or his government, too much irrational spending, closing down government at height of pandemic, lies, scandals etc.

Joe Rizzotti (Barrie, 2020-10-13)


Too many reasons to even begin to list!!!

Robyn Voy (Windsor, 2020-10-13)


The liberal government needs to be removed and a forensic audit completed on all ministers. Justin Trudeau is ruining Canada and need to be removed ASAP!

Janie Renwick (Cambridge , 2020-10-14)


He has begun making sweeping policy changes that were never part of his campaign platform. His spending is completely unchecked and will threaten the financial future of this country.

Eric MacAulay (Orangeville, 2020-10-14)


Because Trudeau has to go!!!!

Larry Higginson (Burns Lake, 2020-10-14)


Because we need someone who will be honest and cares about the country and the people our rights and freedom God gave us. He is taking it all from us, not much left and has made more than enough deals with China.

Elizabeth Boille (Winnipeg, 2020-10-14)


Trudeau needs to go!

Laurie Haight (Wilmot, 2020-10-14)


Trudeau needs to go , he is ruining this country.

P B (Moncton, 2020-10-14)


Trudeau is ruining this once great country and fast

Scott Joly (Cornwall, 2020-10-14)


Justin Trudeau is not for the people.

Susan Richardson (Dartmouth, 2020-10-14)


I am sick and tired of watching this great Country destroyed by Trudeaus corruption and incompetence!!! He has shown his distaste for Canada and Canadians!!!

Linda Crawford (Oshawa, 2020-10-14)


Our rights are being dangerously eradicated

Robin Turriff (Port Coquitlam , 2020-10-14)


Trudeau must go before he completely destroys our great country

William Palylyk (Sarnia , 2020-10-14)


The PM is corrupt & unethical

Chris Verhegge (Pickardville, 2020-10-14)


I’m signing because I’m very concerned about the handling of Covid-19, the measures taken, the rediculous spending, the avoidance of issues, the corruption, suspension of government, not following proper democratic procedures. He is not operating in the capacity expected by the voters.

Teresa Mueller (West Kelowna , 2020-10-14)


Because Trudeau is a criminal and he is causing more harm to Canada every day.
The crimes alone if the average person committed one of them they would be jailed or charged but not him.
He is about destroying Canada

Shelley Pettipas (Duchess, 2020-10-15)


This child has to be stopped. Total destruction of Canadians and our economy is his goal! He is an evil, corrupt pedophile!🤬

Lorna Beebe (Beaumont, 2020-10-15)


I’m signing because my family has been divided since the borders have been shut down even with the law changed for exemption October 8 I filled that out went to go get it notarized they told me it’s the wrong form obviously somebody made a big boo-boo and had to redo the form I feel like I’m 14 again trying to get a waiver to go on a field trip except for every roadblock is in my way just trying to get my family reunited as my children despise this government and think it’s deliberately done This is very unCanadian And obviously no one is going to put the professional thief behind bars so I say yes to a no-confidence vote

Cassandra Battrick (Burlington , 2020-10-15)


Justin has demonstrated a comlete lack of transprancy and accountability as a leader while funnelling our money into the hands of friends and family and selling off our resources like oil, our gold reserves and mines to foreign interests. completely ignoring questions about he WE dealings he and his ministers refuse to answer questions about these issues and also their pandemic response that is proving more harmful than helpful to Canadians. Call emails phone calls from the public get auto replies and nothing further.

Nicole Peers (New Westminster, 2020-10-15)


We have to stop the destruction of Canada. We will be a third world Country if he is not pushed off the island.

Kristine Luft (Cakgary, 2020-10-15)


Canadians are being hurt by this Covid scam and are know what you are doing to destroy Canada!

Marcie Clare (Calgary, 2020-10-15)


Justin Ttugroper Castro has sold out our Canadian sovereignty to the Communist Chinese and registered recognized enemies of Canada by stealing our Canadian taxpayers' money and giving it to registered terrorists and enemies like the Muslim Brotherhood
This is TREASON and is crimes against humanity by enabling this Agenda 21and 2030 as a puppet for the New World order satanic illuminati globalist pedophile elite to implent Communism and become dictator of Canada by without any consensus by Canadians stealing our country and resources..soon to be imprisoning all objecting Canadians

Todd Ruthig (Ottawa, 2020-10-15)


I’ve lost confidence in the Prime Minister especially when I hear about isolating people and ordering chemicals to the army for riots this is all wrong

Deborah Kerr (Cornwall, 2020-10-16)


I believe we are meant to be free to live our lives freely.

Brenda Thyne (Sunderland, 2020-10-16)


They haven't isolated the virus, no case can be verified and the test is fraudulent when used for this.

Cori Schwab (Aldergrove, 2020-10-16)


Justin Trudeau is making a complete mockery of Canada and everything Canadians stand for. He is not a feminist or environmentalist, he is a globalist who needs to be held accountable for what he has done and got caught doing. This is criminal and any other person in the country would be up on charges.

Geno Martin (Grande Prairie, 2020-10-16)



ROBERT KNIGHT (Toronto, 2020-10-16)


Signing so I can try to save Canada.

Diane Lindlau (Kitchener, 2020-10-16)


I’m signing because Justin has betrayed the people of Canada. He does not have our best interests and he is hell bent of destroying this country.

Melody Habibulayev (Leduc County, 2020-10-17)


Trudeau is ruining our country. I will not stand for any New World Order plans!

Monica Gordon (Edmonton , 2020-10-17)


I'm signing because I have no confidence in Justin Trudeau's leadership abilities anymore.

Lori Moran-Sands (Blyth, 2020-10-17)


I’m signing cause I’m sick of our country being ruined by our so called PM

Naomi Scott (Appleton, 2020-10-17)


I’m a Canadian who believes in personal freedom and accountability. Obviously our government leaders do not, and therefore they must be removed.

Sarah Moss (Notre Dame, 2020-10-17)


This is Canada.... we are supposed to be the true North strong and FREE, NOT living in tyranny!!!!

Michelle Doherty (Mildmay, 2020-10-17)


Enough is enough

Ryan Iriye (Whitecourt , 2020-10-17)


I'm signing because democracy has been thrown out the window in Canada

Zachary Burgess (Leduc, 2020-10-17)


I am signing because I am a Canadian Citizen out of Canada and having tremendous difficulty getting back in. This man's policies will turn Canada communist.

FrancesEve Drake (St Thomas, 2020-10-17)


I am signing because this man is nothing but corruption. He works in the dark, does not include parliament in his decisions & assumes he knows what we want. He does not!

Nancy Chapman (Tiny, 2020-10-17)


Democracy and freedom are no longer a thing in Canada. We are being sold out very quickly.

Rhonda Burgess (Leduc, 2020-10-17)


I do not like that our prime minister is using stealth techniques to take away our freedoms.

Johanna Penz (Surrey, 2020-10-17)


He's taking advantage of our tax money . Not spending on our citizens. Allowing immigrants in and supporting them . Steeling our money for his family . It goes on and on

Bill Worboys (Mitchell, 2020-10-17)


I’m signing because Trudeau is by far the worst leader of this beautiful country.

Frank Delisle (Eckville, 2020-10-18)


Enough corruption already

Jenn Clark (Ponoka, 2020-10-18)


The incompetence and corruption with the communist attitude has gone to far with Justin Trudeau and his corrupt politicians and puppet Bill Blair,enough is enough

Derek Csongar (London, 2020-10-18)


I no longer have confidence that our government holds the best interests for Canadians as a whole.

Lisa Bretherick (Lethbridge, 2020-10-18)


Trudeau is bakrupting our Canada and NOT caring at all about our nation now and our future.

Bertha (Birdie) Letendre (Edmonton, 2020-10-19)


Time to send the BOY home.

Richard Fenwick (North Lancaster, 2020-10-19)


Justin trudeau is in my opinion a corrupt leader, liar and a thief!

Glenn Hedrich (Kitche er, 2020-10-19)


I want the most unethical crooked PM in our history removed from office. He does not represent the people of Canada but has proven to favour communism and dictatorship.

Rachel Kenwell (Val Caron, 2020-10-19)


I’m very worried about how he has mismanaged the trust of Canadians, there safety, sovereignty, economy, health, welfare, property, prosperity and future. Not to mention the disastrous results to the welfare and health of the family, neighborhood’s and communities.

William Clark (Winnipeg, 2020-10-20)


Canada needs to get rid of Trudeau and his cohorts now. Federal Liberals are destroying Canada.

Cameron Moore (Canal Flats. BC. , 2020-10-20)


Justin Trudeau, his Senate, the Liberal Party, the NDP and Green Party are all a bunch of corrupt liars supporting the very many unethical situations that Justin Trudeau and his Liberal Party get themselves into. Trudeau was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he was born from a very wealthy family but never learned about what is right and what is wrong or illegal. Trudeau is an entitled spoiled brat who supports only his very wealthy elitist friends and gives them taxpayer money any chance he gets to bribe them to keep his lies secret from Canadian citizens. I have never voted any other party except Conservative and I will only vote for the Conservative Party of Canada.

Deb Hiebner (Edmonton, 2020-10-20)


He's incompetent in every way.

Kim Markovich (Alliston , 2020-10-20)


Trudeau is driving this Country into the ground! The amount of scandals is unacceptable! No government should be allowed to get away with this.

Jenny Blampied (424 5th ave west Biggar Saskatchewan, 2020-10-20)


Its my duty as a canadian taxpayer

Jonathan Phillips (Waterloo , 2020-10-20)


Canada needs an intelligent leader!!

Peter Maule (Mississauga, 2020-10-20)


I'm signing because I have literally no confidence in our present government. I hope we can relieve them of this position very soon.

Laura Rodgers (Vanderhoof , 2020-10-21)


He has completely abused his powers as PM, he is a globalist puppet, and does not deserve to run this country. All he is running is all of us into the ground. Enough is enough.

Jess Duncan (Fredericton , 2020-10-22)


The crime minister needs to be charged with treason and crimes against humanity. Parliament needs to resume as normal immediately

Shauna Proctor (Cambridge, 2020-10-22)


I'm sick of Justin's bullshit

Julie Litwiller (New hamburg ontario, 2020-10-22)


The liberals are destroying our country

Ivan Carlson (Dawson Creek, 2020-11-16)


for freedom and democracy

Devon Russell (Abbotsford, 2020-11-25)


very poor leadership skills

robert Tavone (toronto, 2020-11-27)


Im sick of evil n curruption. I was ready for massive change 20 yrs ago. I know the elite plans and i have a vision of a drastically better canada. Treadeau failed hard very very hard

Daniel Perrotta (Niagara falls, 2021-01-02)


Me an my family want JT and the rest of the crooks to resign and be held accountable for there crimes.

Sean Snider (St Albert, 2021-03-09)

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