No participation of Russia, Belarus, or Iran at the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony



Russia is causing thousands of dead in a war of aggression, a humanitarian food crisis, disrupting the international order and disrupting peace in Europe

Alexandre Major (Montreal, 2023-09-07)


Russia is a criminal state and has NO place in any civil society

Andrea Moore (Chimoio , 2023-09-07)


There is no place for representatives of warmongering dictatorships at the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony! They will not learn from it. They will instead see it as acceptance of their crimes against humanity.

Iveta Aizbalte (Brussels, 2023-09-07)


No place for terrorists at Nobel Peace Prize ceremony

Giorgi Dundua (Tbilisi , 2023-09-07)


We have to insist on accountability when international law is broken.

Kyle Trapp (Provo, 2023-09-07)


Neither Russia, Belarus, nor Iran have any right to participate in a process celebrating and affirming those who contribute to world peace and knowledge.

Ryan Purkey (LEAVENWORTH, 2023-09-07)


Terrorist states should not be treated as dignified and honorable guests anywhere on the world stage.

Kendra Bergen (Los Angeles, 2023-09-07)


Russia is a terrorist state.
Belarus is a terrorist state.
Iran is a terrorist state.

Niels Janssen (Assen, 2023-09-07)


War criminals have no right to attend!

shaun Quigley (stuttgart , 2023-09-07)


Because to invite representatives of a country who is currently waging war on another nation and committing war crimes should not be able to attend a meeting based on PEACE

Gaunt K (London , 2023-09-07)


Russia has no right to be there either

Erik Sjödin (Kumla, 2023-09-07)


Russland har ingen ting å gjøre på en fredspris utdeling. Er en hån mot Ukraina

Erik Halvorsen (Solbergelva, 2023-09-07)


ruzzia is a terrorist country raping and murdering citizens of their neighboring country Ukraine. F#ck ruzzia f#ck pootin and his mob of evil murdering scum!

Scott Dearden (4680 BOYNE ISLAND, QLD, 2023-09-07)


I am not for genocide

Vidar Olerud (Ski, 2023-09-07)


I don't believe allowing countries who have committed war crimes and unprovoked invasions of a peaceful nation or supported such should be granted the privilege of competing.

Michael Watman (SOMERSWORTH, 2023-09-07)


russia is terrorist state.

Jari Peura (Puolanka, 2023-09-07)


These nations attending will do nothing but legitimize their crimes against humanity on the international stage.

Nazis do not deserve this recognition. Period. End of discussion.

Mat Nicholson (Winnipeg, 2023-09-07)


Fuck them all

Peter Voigt (Berlin, 2023-09-07)


Authoritian terrorist states engaged in genocidial wars of conquest have no place in the west let alone in a ceremony like the nobel prizes whihc include a peace prize that will be trumpeted by their propaganda saying they are not isolated

Alexandre Lobo (Lisbon, 2023-09-07)


They don't deserve peace or a prize. They don't deserve to be invited, full stop!!

Martin Ritch (Uyeasound, Unst, 2023-09-07)


There is nothing Noble or Peaceful about Russia as evidenced by their genocidal wars in Ukraine and Syria. The warmongering should not be invited to events held between peaceful and civilised nations.

James Smith (Leigh-on-Sea, 2023-09-07)


The mentioned nation do everything possible to end world peace by either starting wars or supporting aggresdive ears

Karsten Schmitt (Erlangen, 2023-09-07)


Talking to Russia has about same point as talking with Nazi Germany had.

Vaclav Sobr (Prague, 2023-09-07)


Russia is a terrorist state and murders innocent people also rapes woman and children, tortures their husbands all whilst taking their Ukrainian lands illegally

Jane Nash (Totnes , 2023-09-07)


It is a shame!

Noah Ljungberg (Halmstad, 2023-09-07)


Russia is a terrorist state

April Crawford (Calgary, 2023-09-07)


I agree that these countries should be excluded from this ceremony.

Norm Dykstra (Belleville, 2023-09-07)


Do not invite the enemies of peace, to a celebration of peace!

Russell Hayward (Mornington, 2023-09-08)


this is an outrage to the democratic world. I applaud King Gustaf for his stance, and trust Norway will likewise cancel its invitations to representatives of Iran, russia & Belarus for this year's Nobel prizewinning ceremony. Deeply disappointed - signed, a former fan of Norway

Robyn Murphy (Melbourne, 2023-09-08)


Russia is a terrorist state as well as two other!

Ilja Andrejev (Tallinn, 2023-09-08)


Russia is a criminal terrorist state that has to be rejected by the civilized world.

Jeff Horn (Brisbane , 2023-09-08)


Russia Bélarus and Iran are terrorist states

Pierre Ramos (Mesterrieux (33540), 2023-09-08)


Not only has Russia initiated the war, but they are also attempting to erase the Ukrainian people's historical and cultural identity, and they are deliberately targeting the civilian population on a daily basis.

Bohuš Péter (NOVÉ MESTO NAD VÁHOM, 2023-09-08)


I believe in Ukraine Victory

Monica Teixeira (Queluz , 2023-09-08)


Russians need to understand how loathed and despised they are by democratic nations

Kathie Applebee (St Albans, 2023-09-08)



Cretu Rocana (Torino , 2023-09-08)


I'm signing because these countries clearly don't understand what peace means.

Julie Patterson (Madison, 2023-09-08)


They have no right to attend.

Belle Malone (Birmingham, 2023-09-08)


Morally wrong

Misty Vingall (Bolton, 2023-09-08)


We must say no to murder, rape and abuse

Bogdan Sandu (Bucharest, 2023-09-08)


Russia and Belarus jointly broke the peace in Europe and Iran is their supporter.

David Ahrentz Stenström (Helsingborg , 2023-09-08)


Es wichtig ist

Markus Kaspar (Effretikon, 2023-09-08)


I love freedom and peace

Edvin Stark (Nyköping, 2023-09-08)


No warmongers at nobel prize ceremony

Jan D'Hondt (Kortrijk, 2023-09-08)


They don't belong

Kathleen Robertson (CEMENT, 2023-09-08)


A country that conducts genocide in Ukraine has nothing to do with the peaceprice whatsoever. As a swede I´m disgusted by the behavior of our neightbors in this particular question.

Johan Bergman (Sundsvall, 2023-09-09)


I am signing because we can't normalize imperialistic wars and genocide by inviting the transgressors to festival of peace and prosperity.

Dominik Pinkas (Prague, 2023-09-09)


Russia has chosen to not be part of civilised human society. Therefore they should be shunned completely from such society including awards and sports.

Stephen Morley (Adelaide , 2023-09-09)


These countries’ governments are an insult to humanity’s progress.

Philippe Duhamel (Paris , 2023-09-09)


Russia is waging a genocidal war, on a sovereign independent nation, and is illegally occupying lands within internationally accepted International boundaries of Ukraine, while abducting their children has no place in the Noble Peace Prize Ceremony. belarus allowed these attacks to be staged ina dn from their territories, while Iran supplies drones that are used to kill Ukrainian civilians, children included, also used to destroy grain storages

vijay kate (Delhi, 2023-09-09)


Belarus and russia are terrorist states and do not belong at any EU event

Nik Furmonov (Minsk, 2023-09-09)


If these countries wish to celebrate peace-making efforts and participate in promoting dialogue in the international community, they can start by withdrawing from the armed conflicts they themselves are responsible for, and by ceasing gross human rights violations against their own populations.

Nicola Poles (Trieste, 2023-09-09)


Russia's genocide

Tomas Forsman (Täfteå, 2023-09-09)


russian terrorism not welcome in the civilised world.

Damian Tapley (Varna, 2023-09-09)


Russia, Belarus and Iran are activent participating at least one WAR, how they can be invited ?? Nonsense. SHAME !

Jo B. (Paris, 2023-09-09)


it is disgraceful for apparent totalitarian regimes to attend the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony.

Kalina Kostova (Sofia, 2023-09-09)


russia invaded Ukraine.

Tanja Kangas (Helsinki, 2023-09-10)


Inviting a serial rapist to a convent is never a good idea.

Carl Daviau (Pierrefonds , 2023-09-10)


Russia has forfeited its place in the family of civilized nations. Until its brutal genocide in Ukraine ends, no Russian can be welcomed anywhere, least of all at a gathering dedicated to promoting peace.

Marin Paul (Columbia, 2023-09-10)


Russia is a terrorist state

Susanna Rantala (Rovaniemi, 2023-09-10)


Russia is a terrorist state!

Andreas Olsson (Örebro , 2023-09-10)


it is a mockery that states sponsor of terrorism get invited

Marko Hrustanović (Virovitica , 2023-09-10)


Russian belligerence has no place in this new millennium. Everything must be done to discourage it and encourage them to behave as civilized beings.

Zahir Hemini (Ottawa, 2023-09-10)


I think that Russia's unlawfull aggression against Ukraine and it's people goes against everything that Nobel Peace Prize represents. Russia is not seeking for peace. It's doing everything they can so there could not be a just and rightful peace for Ukraine.

Tuija Roininen (Vantaa, 2023-09-10)


I'm signing because it's morally justified. Russia is unquestionable a terrorist state. Do the right thing.

chau tran (ho chi minh city, 2023-09-10)


russia, belarus and iran have nothing to do in the civilised world. By inviting them to this party will led them to believe that Norway approves of their actions.
They must be kept as pariahs of this world.

Henning Faber (Copenhagen , 2023-09-10)


I'm signing because Iran hangs its citizens for as little as dancing in the street and russia launched a full-scale genocide campaign against Ukraine last year. Inviting them is worse than an amoral gesture; it is complicity with, approval of, or glib dismissal of their crimes. The Belarusian Lukashenka is putin's abettor and amplifying mouthpiece. I was misled into believing that you who choose outstanding achievements to reward each year actually follow world events and do not live in a smug and complacent ivory tower. I was wrong.

Vi Gi (York, 2023-09-10)


It's grotesque. Yes. A disgrace to all other participants.

Cleo Borac (Pacifica, CA, 2023-09-10)


It's the right thing to do

William Neil (Huddersfield, 2023-09-10)


Brutal war, no reason to attack other countries and rest who’s shamesfull support these brutal agressions!

Nina Hautala (Salo, 2023-09-10)


Russia has illegally invaded Ukraine & is committing genocide against the people and environment of Ukraine. They are psychopathic war criminals and do not belong in civil society.

Andrea Engle (Denver , 2023-09-10)


Nobel Prize for terrorists and oppressors of human rights and freedoms? NEVER!!!

Jan Borovsky (Trutnov, 2023-09-10)


Disgusted that the representatives of 3 terror regimes can be allowed.

Sebastian Ochis (WEST DRAYTON, 2023-09-10)


Russia, Belarus and Iran are terrorist states

Patrik Wirén (Umeå, 2023-09-10)


Russia is a Terrorist State

Tamara Artmann (Bensheim, 2023-09-11)


These countries have no place at a Nobel Peace Prize function when they are state sponsors of terrorist.

Nerida Gibb (Canberra, 2023-09-11)


I’m strongly against any kind of russian, Belarus or Iranian participation in the Nobel Peace prize ceremony.

Jeroen Pots (Zutphen, 2023-09-11)


Allowing a genocidal terrorist state to the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony is a sick and un-funny joke. Where is the invitation to ISIS or Boko Haran, if Russia is accepted?

Paul Gibbon (Leeds, 2023-09-11)


Russia is a terrorist state and has no business being at the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony.

Janet Lintz (Aberdeen, 2023-09-11)


russia is a terrorist state! russians (it's not just putin) are shelling and bombing my city right now while you're reading this.
whitewashing russians = supporting genocide of Ukrainians

vii from Ukraine (Білопілля, 2023-09-12)


It is immoral and hypocritical to allow states actively involved in terror acts against peaceful countries to participate in a ceremony which celebrates peace.

Alison De Verteuil (London, 2023-09-12)


The ******* war.

Stefan Svensson (Huskvarna, 2023-09-12)


In my opinion are Russia, Belarus and Iran oppressive and tyrannical countries.

Håkan Molander (KOKKOLA, 2023-09-12)


Russia is violently attacking Ukraine, a sovereign country. The Kremlin wants to destroy Ukrainian culture and 'russify' it. Putin is commiting war crimes. He does not want peace. Russia must withdraw.

Klaske Wijkstra (Amsterdam, 2023-09-12)


I'm signing because the aforementioned counties only regard the values and principles espoused by the Nobel Prize insomuch as they are able to craft narratives and manipulate perspectives, and it's high time we in the West had a modicum of self-esteem for our great institutions

Paul Deck (Buffalo, 2023-09-12)


I agree with the petition

Leendert Van Wolfswinkel (Nieuwegein, 2023-09-12)


Putin is a war criminal, Russia is a terrorist state.

Daniel Ryan (YORBA LINDA, 2023-09-12)


I`m totally oposed to this cruel invasion done by Russia to Ucraine, which is killing innocent people and destroys the entirely conuntry. Together with Russia goes Belarus, China, North Korea and Iran.

PAULO LAPORT (Rio de Janeiro, 2023-09-12)


Do not invite nations who commit genocide and deny basic human rights to it's citizens and neighbors. Norway is better than this.

Rob Fraser (Winnipeg, 2023-09-13)


It is not the right thing to do to invite representatives of a terrorist state to a prestigious event in a Western nation.

Dalibor Andrijević (Nürnberg, 2023-09-13)


These ambasadors should not be invited to ceremony until Russia retreat from all Ukraine teritory, return abducted children and citizrn of Ukraine and stop attacks on Ukraine.

Pero Lazov (Gevgelija, 2023-09-13)


These three countries should made to be pariahs and not take part any any ceremony or competition

Steve Goodwin (Jersey, 2023-09-13)


Russia is terrorist state

Ivan Farský (Martin, 2023-09-14)


Where there is Russia there is no peace. They have no place at a peace convention as long as they wage their colonial, genocidal war against Ukraine!

Johannes Ottenhof (Hengelo (OV), 2023-09-14)


Terroristes don't have place in such price

Eugénia Alves (Lyon, 2023-09-14)


Russia, Belarus and Iran are terrorist states that subjugate their own people in their quest to expand their own interests....they are a threat to human life, freedom, and democracy...

Tom Charles (IJsselstein , 2023-09-14)


No space for Hitler 2.

Michael Weinberg (Wien, 2023-09-14)

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