Mr Dingumuzi phuthi of ZANU-PF who was also the candidate for MP in Bulilima Constituency abused his power as the Deputy minister and planted his people within Zim electoral body (ZEC) to rig Bulilima Constituency election in his favor.
Mrs Bekezela Maplanka who was the aspiring candidate of Citizens Coalition For Change led by Advocate Nelson Chamisa then challenged the matter with a clear evidence.Her lawyers served court papers to Mr Dingumuzi Phuthi's sister in law via Sherrif at the address that Mr Phuthi gave to ZEC when he registered at the nomination court. A default judgment was issued in favor of Mrs Bekezela Maplanka because Mr Dingumuzi Phuthi failed to respond on numerous occasions after being afforded that opportunity by our lawyers.
Mr Dingumuzi Phuthi then challenged our petition at High Court and he later withdrew and filed his matter at Electoral Court where he was granted a rescission.
Our main demand is to compell Mr Dingumuzi Phuthi to be stopped from doing Parliament bussiness because no court order has granted him that permission as per below Press Statement from Mrs Bekezela Maplanka who is both Applicant and Respondent in the matter.Mr Phuthi remains illegitimate MP and Deputy Minister who is undermining the constitution of the Zimbabwe.
Press Statement
I have seen media snippets circulating stating that Phuthi has been reinstated as a member of parliament. That cannot be further from the truth. The Electoral court rescinded judgement and gave him 14 days to file his opposing papers. The order he sought did not have the necessary reinstatement clause. The order in my favour expressly removed him from parliament. He has not been reinstated he simply has been given an opportunity to file his opposing papers. Until the matter is finalised or until he gets the reinstatement order he is not in parliament.
What is more is that the appeal I have since filed at the Supreme Court of Zimbabwe suspends the decision of the honourable Electoral Court rescinding the Judgement. This even more clarifies that he has not been reinstated to parliament.
B Maplanka
CCC BULILIMA CONSTITUENCY Contact the author of the petition