'The Stag' premiere in Germany
As mentioned in the title, this petition is created to be able to organise a German premiere for the Irish comedy film 'The Stag' as the German fans highly support the film, cast and crew. Such a premiere would be a great way of giving back love and support directly to the cast and crew. Further on the attention such an event would get, is also a way to bring the Irish film industry into focus of more people, so that the industry profits from it as well. Especially as fans from the neighbour countries would be just as much be interested in travelling to such a premiere to meet new people and show their support, the attention would be even bigger. The idea for a premiere already found many interested people among Twitter users who would be thankful for such an opportunity.
Even if it would be a rather small premiere, the participating fans would enjoy it fully as they highly anticipate the German release of the film and follow all news available about 'The Stag'. And as mentioned before, a premiere can be from advantage for everyone involved. 'The Stag' itself made a lot of fans pay close attention to the Irish film industry and so us fans hope to be able to inform others about the work of the industry by attending a premiere.
@GermanScotties on Twitter
German Scotties Contact the author of the petition
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