Ban social media images of animals killed for recreation.

Contact the author of the petition

Now tweeting.

2015-04-30 10:47:40

Now we're tweeting. Please share this link.

Animal lover.

Sharing the petition in Facebook without posting the picture of a dead zebra.

2015-04-29 01:16:33

At least two signatories of the petition have indicated they could not share the petition on Facebook without also posting the shocking picture. To overcome this problem please go to this Facebook page Ban social media images of animals killed for recreation which should open in a new window. There you will find a shareable link to the petition that does not have the zebra image. 

Many thanks,

Steve Sholl,

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  • Share the petition on your Facebook wall and in groups related to the topic of your petition.
  • Contact your friends
    1. Write a message where you explain why you have signed this petition, since people are more likely to sign it if they understand how important the topic is.
    2. Copy and paste the web address of the petition into your message.
    3. Send the message using email, SMS, Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Skype, Instagram and LinkedIn.