Stop aged-out school systems!

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The question is what happens to a******* adults?

2015-05-25 19:04:56

The answer is in the future, the a******* adults will go homeless and to become orphans if nobody cares for them. How many times do parents need to find a place for them? Why several times.


Please fight a***** now!

Gen Agustsson

Where will adults with a***** 21+ will go? to a group home?

2015-05-16 00:01:56

Parents of a******* adults 21+ would say "they need to be placed in a special school"

Gen Agustsson

Please help parents of a******* adults 21 & over

2015-05-15 03:07:47

Parents of a******* adults 21 & over don't want their a******* adult offsprings to sit around at home.

Gen Agustsson

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