our common lands

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natural England

2011-07-21 16:48:35

pace is gathering to expose this quango for what it is, a public menace, an emeny of natural open countryside, it coverts tax payers funding, yet contributes nothing in return.

It is able to lie it's way to obtain status, steals our common lands and other public open access, they deal in selective indiginous plant life and other natural inhabitants of wild open spaces to support a luxurious life style for themselves, SSSI being their flag.

These quangos, and supporters need stopping before thhey evolve into an even greater threat.


tony barnett

whitchurch heath common

2011-07-12 15:44:57

this common land is registered for grazing, it is also public open access from all points of view.

shropshire council has stolen part of this common land and developed it into a vehicle park for which a levey is demanded(fraud)

members of the public have been prosecuted for none pay and dislpay, and convicted subtantial fines and cost have resulted(fraud and perjury).

others since have met the same fate but now the council say they are prosecuted for failing to respond to a council penal notice.

for those that have been victims of this scam by the council and have appeared before market drayton magistrates can now appeal and have their names cleared and the likes of Claire Porter(legal) and Kym ryley ch ex prosecuted.

you could also sign the petition to have this corrupt council removed.

tony barnett

whitchurch Heath Common CL21

2011-07-12 14:52:53

Whitchurch Heath Common in north shropshire gained status as registered common land in 1965, because the commons commissioner was un-able to trace an owner with credible documentation of ownership, the common was registered as a section 9 of the 1965 CRA, now since the 2006 act it is a section 45.

Shropshire council have "stolen"part of this common and developed it into a vehicle park for which they are charging a parking fee(fraud).

9 Persons have been prosecuted for none payment and display(fraud) all have been convicted due to the false statements submitted by the council(fraud and perjury).

This council should be prosecuted and made to pay restitution, and the convicted should have their names cleared, this local authority is corrupt and should be removed, help Common Heritage to do this

tony barnett

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