We feel that Stanwix should have its own Village Council

Contact the author of the petition

We did it!

2020-09-01 10:05:33

We counted the digital and ink signatures this morning and we have zoomed past the legal hurdle of 330 - we actually have exactly 370 in total.

Thank you for you support.

Carlisle City Council now has 12 months to conduct a local governance review and consult with the people of Stanwix Urban.  We hope they will come to the same conclusions as you and the other petitioners have, which is that we need local democracy urgently in Stanwix, especially with the the forthcoming dissolution of the City Council itself leaving us only one county councillor to work on our behalf.

Thanks again,


Brian Wernham, Rosebery Road

Can you pass the petition link on to a friend in Stanwix?

2020-08-20 10:22:29

We are nearly at 75% of our goal for eSignatures.  Could you please pass this message on to just one friend and recommend that they sign online too?

Here is the link - it only takes 60 seconds to do:



Brian Wernham
07815 618187

15 Rosebery Road

Brian Wernham, Rosebery Road

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