NHS frontline staff to be provided with FFP3 PPE masks during work - ESNEFT .

Contact the author of the petition

Thank you!

2021-01-21 16:21:04

Thank you to everyone who has signed the petition, and for the comments, many of which are heartbreaking. 
They really show the strength of feeling behind this. 

The names and email addresses have been redacted to ensure 100% anonymity as per our pledge. 

The petition has been sent, along with an open letter to Nick Hulme, CEO of ESNEFT, Tom Hunt MP, and all of the unions mentioned including RCN, unison, SoR and CSP. 

The letter can be viewed on the Suffolk NHS Pay Justice Hub facebook page (unable to share link here, but have added it as a comment below. 

Kirsty Youngs.

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