Requesting Golden Arrow bus Services between Blackheath via Eersteriver to Stellenbosch

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Update on Request for Golden Arrow bus Services on Stellenbosch and Greater Bluedowns route.

2022-04-06 13:05:59

Good afternoon everyone. This is a short update on our request for bus services between the greater Bluedowns to Stellenbosch.

I was just updated by Mr. Olando, SBU manager at Golden Arrow bus Services. 

He advised me that our petition is still on Golden Arrow's priority short list. 

Golden Arrow are still looking into our request and that the shortage of avaliable busses,  due to vandalism prolonged the prosess.

Please keep in mind that this petition is still active.

Please do share to friends and family and to our community.

Thank you

Carina Solomons

Carina Solomons and Eersteriver Blue Downs and Blackheath communities

Requesting Golden Arrow bus Services between Blackheath via Eersteriver Blue Downs to Stellenbosch

2022-03-07 08:34:48

Good day

I have handed over the petition to Mr. Carelse, S. B. U. manager of Golden Arrow bus Services. PLEASE keep on sharing to all your friends and family within your community, since this petition is still active.

Thank you in advance

Carina Solomons

Carina Solomons and Eersteriver Blue Downs and Blackheath communities

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