Call for addressing the corella problem in Kingscote

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Leon Bignell letter

2023-05-24 10:47:45

Hi all concerned about the little corella problem 

I received a letter from Leon Bignell stating ratepayers of Kangaroo Island should be demanding the council work on a solution to control the little corellas

The letter read - It is the councils responsibility as they charge rates and should be spending some of that money protecting private and public property and infrastructure from getting damaged by the little corellas. 

The council informed Leon Bignell they would make a public announcement on what they would be doing in relation to this matter. 

I have not yet seen any announcement publicly, only the council meeting minutes, it was discussed that they would not be taking any action, only to work with other departments such as DEW, DEW have also said it is council responsibility. 





Lisa Thompson

Corella Update

2023-03-24 12:59:49

The CEO of Kangaroo Island Council has replied to Leon Bignell with the following letter



Lisa Thompson

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