Stewart Road Gate - Re-opening and Access

Contact the author of the petition


2023-10-09 08:08:50

I have escalated the decision now to Stage 3, which involves an independent complaints review.

Unfortunately, there seems to have been no other option. Thank you to those that have shared feedback and discussed the issues further. In the interim, I have responded to the Stage 2 response and also shared some further figures around child/school road safety and injuries to pedestrians.

The main aim of being to reach a solution which meets the safeguarding risks identified by the school, as well as the road safety risks. This seems achievable by locking and unlocking the gate and key opening/closing times but will now be assessed by an independent adjudicator. I will keep you updated of any material developments. 


Philip James

Philip James

Update - Response from School

2023-10-04 12:50:52


I have received a response from the school in response to the Stage 2 complaint (I was advised to consider the issues raised, I needed to follow the formal complaints process). In short, the school disagrees with everyone who signed this petition. I am reviewing the detail of the response and am considering next steps. The only part where there was a u-turn was on the 'Gate-Gate' heading to the school's most recent update which it agrees was inappropriate.

Please let me know if you have any queries.



Philip James

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