Saving The Dayton Demonz

Contact the author of the petition

NEW PETITION: Please take a moment and sign!

2014-04-28 16:03:41
Through the last few weeks, it has become apparent that a slightly different approach needs to be taken with regards to this petition. To preserve the integrity of THIS one, a second, more general one has been created at:

Please consider taking a few moments to go through all of the signature fields and add Comments that explain in better detail your complaints from this season.

Together, we can make a difference! #WEgotthis!

K Kendall

URGENT Request: Petition Going to Owner Soon!

2014-04-25 14:11:51
Everyone, please get the word spread on this petition! It's my intention to get a formal letter drafted and sent to the team owner by mid next week at the latest (meaning, by April 30th). We need to blow this thing up and make it CLEAR that Paul has to go!

Thank you to everyone who can help-and remember you and anyone else interested in signing can remain anonymous. I will NOT be sharing any names that cannot be seen here (meaning, if you selected to NOT show your name on the Internet, I will not be breeching that confidence). Do NOT let any hesitation of being "found out" as a signer prevent you from doing it.

Please please please, if you have ANY questions at all, do NOT hesitate to contact me. Now..let's DO THIS!

K Kendall

Formal Reopening...

2014-04-23 14:51:59
Now that the season is over, I am formally reopening this petition. PLEASE help spread the word.

Some have been asking me why I took it down in March. I think many felt I had a change of heart. Let me reassure you when I say "NO". There has never been a change of heart. At the time I took it down I determined that it was not the right time to shake things up for our franchise.

That being said, I refuse to let my children near this man based on what evidence has been presented to me and I continue to sit here in awe that he has been given this position considering this is meant to be a family friendly activity! This go beyonds the tirades at fans and staff...yelling at opposing fans to the point of putting them in tears (esp given one lady wasn't even involved in whatever he was accusing her of!).

He's unprofessional, greedy, lazy and downright dangerous. We need him OUT and we need it done SOON or we're gong to lose everything everyone else has worked so hard to build!

K Kendall

Petition Reopened

2014-03-16 19:02:46
For those of you who HAVE signed, I've had multiple requests to reopen the petition. You may continue to share the link as you feel the need but I will not be reposting in the private group.


K Kendall

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    1. Write a message where you explain why you have signed this petition, since people are more likely to sign it if they understand how important the topic is.
    2. Copy and paste the web address of the petition into your message.
    3. Send the message using email, SMS, Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Skype, Instagram and LinkedIn.