Stop the parking reduction requested by RiNo Self Storage

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Today's hearing... :)

2014-06-24 19:26:36

Hi everybody!  The parking reduction was denied.  Our efforts definitely made an impact, the signatures & those who were able to attend the hearing today.

That being said, it was just a parking reduction request & we should still expect a storage unit to be built.  Maybe he'll build the required spaces or maybe he'll reach out & try to find some middle ground with the neighborhood.

We'll see, but today was a hard earned victory, so congratulations!



Randy Rolon

No more emails!

2014-06-20 18:39:54

Councilwoman Judy Montero has asked that we stop sending emails.  She has spoken to the developer & told him to not to move forward with his original plans or she will publicly oppose it at the hearing on Tuesday.

Please still spread the word to have people sign the petition & come to the hearing if you can make it Tuesday, but no more emails.

Thank you!

Randy Rolon

Template Email to forward to the zoning board, Councilwoman Judy Montero & City Planner Brad Buchanan

2014-06-18 17:01:01

Please feel free to edit his as appropriate.  It's just a template to help you convey our disapproval of this project.  Email it to the following people, if you will.

The Board of Adjustment -

Councilwoman Judy Montero -

City Planner Brad Buchanan -




Dear Council Woman Ms. Montero, City Planner Mr. Buchanan, and Zoning Board Members,


My name is [xxx].  I am a registered voter who [owns/resides/works] at [xxx].


I am writing you today for the following two reasons:


  • I oppose the inclusion of Self Storage facilities within CMX-5 permitted uses and ask that the City take quick action to remedy this issue; and,
  • I oppose, and ask for a rejection of, the current parking reduction requested by RiNo Self Storage (3270 Blake Street) currently pending before the Board of Adjustment for Zoning Appeals.


In congruence with the recent letter signed by The RiNo Arts District, Fire Clay Lofts HOA, and Silver Square HOA, I believe that the inclusion of self-storage as a permitted use is counterproductive to the intention of the CMX5 zoning designation and detrimental to our community, and many like ours that could be similarly impacted.


Additionally, I would request that the City uphold all current parking requirements as designated in the zoning to ensure that our community is not further degraded by the permission of a storage unit development in our primarily residential and small business friendly streetscape.


Parking in our neighborhood is already at a premium and is likely to become more congested as more residents and small businesses join our thriving neighborhood. Unfortunately, the developer of the proposed self-storage project has failed to engage with the community in such a manner that the neighborhood would understand or support any exception.


As you may know, the final hearing on the parking reduction request is scheduled before the Board of Adjustment for Zoning Appeals on Tuesday, June 24th, 11am, at the Webb Municipal Office Building, Room 2.H.14.


It is my hope that you will demonstrate your support of our community by joining our opposition of this parking reduction, as well as work to amend the CMX5 zoning to exclude self-storage, and avoid future instances like this.


Thank you for your time and representation.





Randy Rolon

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