Close down Whisper scam page!

Contact the author of the petition

Tina Shuert Degler AKA Tina Marie Tatum

2014-07-27 06:00:50
Tina has moved on from the Whisper page and made some quite revealing statements about the goings on with the owner of the page - Tamara Watson. Including snorting drugs whilst pregnant, her partner abusing the animals etc.
We remain skeptical as to Tina's breakaway from the page as this kind of thing has happened previously and she has gone back, however the statements made are quite damaging to Tamara's character and we hope this will open some people's eyes to the horror happening behind the page.
Thank you Tina for your frankness in coming out and we hope that you continue to help us in ensuring those cats and the community stay safe and scam free.

Trish Haven

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