Against Diocesan Parish & School Covid Shot Drives

We faithful Catholic laymen in communion with His Excellency-Bishop Thomas Olmsted of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix; ask in charity and right common Catholic conscience; to end the Covid vaccine drives taking place in the diocesan parish of Saint Jerome and all diocesan parishes.

It has come to our attention that Saint Jerome Catholic Church and School is the next diocesan parish to hold such a drive on Sunday, 22 August 2021.  As of 15 August 2021, has advertised that the Johnson & Johnson vaccine will be administered at the Saint Jerome location.

Although the other vaccines have a more remote connection to the original murder(s); we site the diocesan recommendations put forth on 15 December 2020 that specifically mention and single out the Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca vaccines as having a "direct" connection to the abortion(s). 

God bless our Bishop-His Excellency Thomas Olmsted, Fr. Gary Regula and our Diocese.