Asivoti Emgwali Campaign

We, the people of Mgwali, have endured long years of suffering, due to the
absence of development in our community.
We have waited for many long years for government to develop our roads,
water and sanitation, address poverty and unemployment and provide
decent housing for the people of Mgwali.
We are marginalised in the land of constitutional democracy, alienated from
the rights enshrined in the Bill of Rights; which guarantees our right to
adequate housing, food, health care and social security.
Without roads there is no access to healthcare. As such, depriving us
decent and durable roads is to alienate us from the Bill of Rights.
Without government houses for the indigent, there can be no adequate
housing. As such, to deprive us adequate housing is to alienate us from the
Bill of Rights.
Without employment there can be no food security. As such, failure to
address unemployment and poverty is to alienate us from the Bill of Rights.
Without police services, there can be no safety. As such, depriving us
adequate policing is to alienate us from the Bill of Rights.
To assert our constitutional right to life, safety, healthcare, food security,
water and sanitation; having waited in vain for too long; we hereby make
the following demands:
1. A proper tarred road linking Mgwali to Stutterheim.
2. A new water infrastructure, new engines and maintenance plans to
make sure that no taps run dry again in Mgwali.
3. A police station for Mgwali, to assert our constitutional right to safety.
4. Demarcation of Mgwali needs to be address as a matter of urgency.
We do not want a divided Mgwali. Mgwali should be united like
5. Fencing of the roads and camps as our Cattle are getting lost since
there are no boundaries
6. Provisioning of agricultural implements like tractors etc.
7. We also demand dipping tanks for our Cattle etc.
8. We need to be specific with houses e.g. RDP Houses.
9. Electricity and water for the marginalized areas like Lujilo.
10. Reopening of our Post Office
11. Street Lights for the safety of our community.
12. Sports grounds for our youth.
13. Renovation of our community Hall.
14. Our clinic should be operational 24/7.
15. Jojo Tanks

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