Campaign For Liberty Health Freedom Petition

WHEREAS:        Law Makers in Sacramento have proposed legislation that will eliminate your individual / parents right (s) to make informed decisions about your children’s health.


WHEREAS:        The proposed law SB 277 will force vaccinations on children prior to entering any public or private school, day care, nursery, child care etc. eliminating the current law which allows for personal and/or religious beliefs; and


WHEREAS:       Modern medicine certainly has its virtues; however government mandates completely deny individuals their most basic human rights many times in favor of corporate cronyism; and


WHEREAS:      The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 established the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) as a federal no-fault system to compensate persons (or families of persons) who are injured by childhood vaccines; and


WHEREAS:    Good health and health freedom is compromised when government requires (forces) “health remedies” in the name of “public safety;


THEREFORE:       I insist that my state senator, and Governor oppose SB 277 and all legislation mandating vaccines overriding individual and parent’s right (s) to make their own health decisions.