Close Down the Berger Blanc and those like them in Quebec

Upon learning of the discusting Berger Blanc and the people who work for them I felt sick for day's. I can't believe that people in Quebec, or anywhere would do such a terrible things to animals, thier friends. So today I am starting a petition to stop the abuse and torture of our animals. Regardless of where an animal comes from or what breed, they are all special, unique and desearve to be treated with respect, love, and admiration. I am a proud cat owner and have had many dogs in the past. I think it is our right to own, save, and love them. So if you feel as strongly as I  do about the rights and wellbeing of animals all over the world, we can start right here in Quebec. Let's close down Berger Blanc. Let's see to it that everyone working their, with proof of thier knowledge of the orgaizations actions, be fined and/ or put in jail to serve the time for destroying animal lives and commiting what I consider MURDER! If you agree with anything in this petition...please sign and pass it on. We have to be load to be heard! Thank-you for your passion on this very important matter.