Creating a SCAW Division for safety of women

I would like to grab all your attention towards serious crime against women in our country. As there is no such organisation or a special  division which 'actually' works for serious crimes against women. In India, every 16 minute a rape case is filed which is 87 rape cases a day and nearly 4.5 lakh rape cases in a year. Taking molestation and crime against women in household, we even cant imagine how big is the number. And this number is when 99% of the crimes against women are left unreported. Together to fight against these crimes having a seperate division for women i.e. "SERIOUS CRIME AGAINST WOMEN Division" which do 'actually' works for these issues is much needed. This division would be including people from force, lawyers, doctors and activists who actually want to come forward and work for it.

If you really want to be a part of this, I request you to sign this petition so that it reaches to the concerned authorities and strict actions and policies can take place for the betterment of the society and a safe future.