Don't send the other grades back to school.

If you think that the Grade 11's and 8's coming back poses an unnecessary risk to the Matrics and Staff, sign this petition.

The Matrics raised their concerns about the other grades returning, but they are returning nonetheless. Let's hope that this petition shows the people in charge that we are genuinely concerned for our safety, and the safety of our families whom we will be returning to at the end of the term.

When the Matrics returned, it was necessary as we had assessments that were required by the IEB, the other grades do not have these requirements. It is our responsibility to help flatten the curve. By bringing together hundreds of people from all over the country, and then sending them back home after a short week and a half, we are creating the potential to drastically spread the disease. Let's not do that. Online school for an extra week and a half is a worthy sacrifice compared to the potential deaths of thousands of people which could be the consequence of sending the boys back.

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