End Aneles drought

Listen here you rickets, we have a problem and we need to help this kiff oke. For too long now, I have stood by and let this horror continue. For too long I've watched as Anele strikes out. For too long has the only female attention Anele received come via Dibs. It's come to a point where Anele gets a semi from the cashier touching hands as he gets his change  at pick and pay. He has become addicted to gym (but somehow still a sick ricket) and we need to help him out now.

It's time to end the suffering

Please sign this petition (with possible monetary contributions if applicable so we can hire a decent hooker) in order to raise awareness of the plight that has struck our friend, who is slowly but surely, losing all functionality of his penis through excessive masturbation. As well as becoming salty af from this prolonged period of living as the human Sahara desert.

Please spread awareness and contact me for further information.

You could make the difference, you could make the world a better place for all.