The good people of the State of Tennessee, in good faith, by an overwhelming majority, have elected conservative,  Constitutional, Republican legislators, represenatives and senators. The good people of Tennessee have elected Governor Bill Haslam expecting that he  represent those values, both as it relates to state policy and his representation of us in Washington.  It has become increasingly clear that Mr. Haslam no longer represents the conservative base that has elected him and his recent suppport of the Obama Policies and of the supreme court's decision overruling the vote of the people of Tennessee, that Mr. Haslam would be better suited working in his famiy business where the concerns of people and their political, Constitutional, moral and religious rights do not require his representation. His infractions against the will of Tennesseans include the following:





  • He intends to comply with the Supreme Court's ruling on gay marriage even though Tennesseans have overwhelmingly voted against it
  • He supports a gas tax that will adversely affect every Tennessean and should not be allowed to write or support legislation that affects the sale or distribution of petroleum products because his family business is largely supported by such sales and distribution
  • Has repeatedly NOT supported stronger legislation that confirms and supports our 2nd Amendment rights to keep and bear firearms
  • The GREAT people of Tennessee demand that their Constitutional, religious and moral desires be represented

It is egregious that Mr. Haslam has repeatedly, even in his inaugural address,referred to the good people of Tennessee as "customers" rather than the caring and conservative citizens and families that we are.  We demand to be represented by someone who cares about our values and concerns.  We ask for the resignation of Mr. Haslam.  If Mr. Haslam will not resign, we ask for his removal from office and that he be replaced by a true conservative rather than someone who has taken advantage of the good people of Tennessee by proclaiming that he is a conservative, Constitutional Republican and then not standing up against Washington when those same conservative, Republican values are challenged by our Supreme Court.  We demand a Governor who will stand up for Tennesseans.