Right to use sign language in educational programmes

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Susan Urmy

#226 time for a change!

2010-09-23 15:55

let us stop being oppressive toward one another and allow our differences to lift us up toward peace.

M. R. Jackowsky

#227 Equal Access

2010-09-23 15:57

Let's make it a goal of the hearing community and a demand of the Deaf community that preferred communication be a right, not a luxury.

Blanck Dolly


2010-09-23 16:06

sign language to teach deaf children, learn to speak right away, whether bilingual education!

marina selci

#229 rights for everyone

2010-09-23 16:06

Rights for everyone, sign language in schools for deaf students everwhere in the world

Niall McCormack

#230 Sign Language in Education.

2010-09-23 16:13

The use of Sign Language is absolutely essential for all deaf people in Education in order to get educated as satisfactorily as hearing people. Sign Language is the primary and basic right of Deaf People.


#231 Sign Languages is Culture!

2010-09-23 16:43

If you use my language, you say YES to me!

Terje Basilier, psycholog from Norway.


Myself I have used Sign Language in artistic ways, mostly in Theater of the Deaf, and in several countries.

Hearing learn by words.

Deaf express themselves in sign languages.

Deaf learns much more by signs!

Nigerian Nat. Ass. of the Deaf National headquarters


2010-09-23 16:49

The Nigerian National Association of the Deaf National headquarters joins millions of concerned Organization to lend voice to the right of the Deaf to sign language as medium of passing information and education to the Deaf ALL over the world.

There is no substitution to the beautiful language. The struggle continue, victory is certain.

NNAD (Nigeria)

Tanya boochoon

#233 Support Deaf Right

2010-09-23 16:49

Deaf Right need SIGN LANGUAGE Everywhere, Please support us!

Diane White

#234 Re: Freedom of using our DEAF LANGUAGES!

2010-09-23 17:06

#107: Diane White - Freedom of using our DEAF LANGUAGES!

Diane White I dont agree with him that can leads people into a big misunderstandings about visual language . Visual language is nothing to do with "artificial languages: as well. ASL is a true visual language for us to have in our lives that is very natural gift for us.

OPEN YOUR EYES!  I dont agree with all kind  all forum of communication that leads a real mistake that you agree with.


Diane White We are the Deaf people of the Deaf community that people need to face the Deaf reality in this Mother Nature world. Deaf is beautiful word for us to be proud of using it.


Rezenet Moges


2010-09-23 17:16

Sign language is essence of Deaf culture; thus, to take the right to sign is beyond damaging to the Deaf people. To sign is to liberate thyself!

Alicia Aguilar


2010-09-23 17:19

I may not be deaf, but I understand and acknowledge the fact that people have needs. If we don't help each other, especially if we are neglecting adults and children with special needs, what will the world come to?

It is such a simple thing to do, sign and make a difference!

Марина Яковлева


2010-09-23 17:58

Я поддерживаю
Oh 오 Young-joon 영준

#238 Support to use sign language in educational programmes

2010-09-23 18:01


I am Deaf person from Seoul, S. Korea.

I hope to Deaf children can learn in sign language at deaf schools in the whole world.

Terry Dufresne

#239 Human Right

2010-09-23 18:15

Deaf People have the right as we all are Human right

Patrick Ohitekah

#240 Educational Programmes

2010-09-23 18:45

EVERYBODY has the SAME rights. This also means for education!

Mary Hill Telford

#241 Right to Use Sign Language in Educational Programs

2010-09-23 19:12

Human right must be a reality! We have not faced our human right for 200+ years alto we have  our faith in paying TAX regularly. For non-speaking and non-hearing persons like myself, we need to actualize sign langugage in educational programs.

Daniela Albrecht

#242 Right to use sign language in educational programms

2010-09-23 19:44

Damn right! Just remember, and sign up! ;)

Neeraj Khosla

#243 deaf people weak in education

2010-09-23 19:57

lots of deaf people i have met are very weak in education...its important for them that sign language be used in educational programmes to enable teachers to answer their queries and help them grasp the basics and concepts of whatever subject they are studying be it elementary or advanced, be it science or arts or language arts...be it primary school or be it university...this will help them to gain the confidence they need by getting a good background of their subjects otherwise they can get stuck if the basic concepts are not cleared and they can't advance or have clarity in that field or subject. they will know but they will not understand. Right to use sign language is therefore very much required in educational programmes.



2010-09-23 20:08

Respect of ASL in education.

Rainer Rojano Rales


2010-09-23 20:15

Nosotros debes derechos de sordos apoyo en colombia, lo mejor lenguaje de seña super espcial en colombia!!


#246 Hello Deaf

2010-09-23 20:15

Deaf Association of Baja California Estatal  President

in Tijuana, BC, Mexico....

Big smile

Thank you


Juan Guillermo

#247 Mas Importante

2010-09-23 20:34

Objetivo  de la Politica Educativa Nacional,  Programas de estudios vigentes en las Escuelas de Sordos, Programas vigente en la Escuela Normal de Especilizacion, Perfil del Educador Sordo y oyente, Centros Educativos para Sordos, Gubemamentales y No Gubemamentales, Educacion para Adultos Sordos, Bilinguismo y otros Metodos de Enseñanza, el Sordo Bilingue, Lengua de Señas en las Comunidades, Comunidad y Cultura, Comunidad e Identidad, Cultura y Lengua, comunidad y arte, Educacion del Sordo en la Familia de Padres oyentes con  Hijos Sordos y Padres Sordos con Hijos sordos, Linguistica de la Lengua de Señas, Enseñanza de la Lengua de Señas, Formacion  del Educador de Lengua de señas, Perfil del Educador de Lengua de Señas, Estudios Linguisiticos y Sociolinguisiticos y Educacion y  Linguistica... Danza y  Teatro.....  Email:  asbc-ccclsm@live.com.mx  Saludos...


Shaina Weintraub


2010-09-23 20:44

This is awesome!
David Oscar Reynolds

#249 ASL n Sign Languages in the world is our Human Language Right, not an option or a privilege.

2010-09-23 21:09


Felipe Vinhal

#250 The deafis are humans too!

2010-09-23 22:26

Please, get the deafis free for to make him decisions.  They know what they need. We don´t have right to continue ignore them and decides for they lifes, like 1880.

For the maternal language's deafis. For sign language. For the humans rights. Everybody with the same potentialitys. Everybody ables. Just diferent idioms.

Wake up selfish and egocentric men!