Lironi ariun! Release the bear!
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Lironi ariun! Release the bear!.
Endri Haxhiraj Guest |
#1 E papranueshme!2010-11-25 11:09Megjithese ka mjaft kafshe qe mbahen te mbyllura ne menyre makabre per te argetuar njerezit, ky eshte rasti me rrenqethes. Nje kelysh "bebe" qe qan si njeri... Nuk e di si mund te kaperdihet ushqimi ne kete restorant! |
Edvin Pacara Guest |
#2 Lironi ariun o kriminele!2010-11-25 11:15Lironi ariun o barbare! Kurre nuk do te shkel ne restorantin tuaj per sa kohe burgosni e torturoni arinj! Dhe hiqeni ate kufome ariu nga restoranti se nuk do te vije njeri ne morg te haje dreke! Kriminele te poshter! |
Besmir Kellezi Guest |
#3 Dont hurt the animals...2010-11-25 11:39Stop hurting the bear. He needs help as he is in pretty bad conditions. Save a life, save a bear, save an animal. Do something good with your life... |
Ori Dashi Guest |
#4 I THEM JO /dhunes, gjakut te derdhur/dhe vuajtjes2010-11-25 11:44Nuk mund te ushqehemi aty ku ka dhune, gjak te derdhur, apo vuajtje. LIRONI ARIUN nga kafazi dhe STOP BALLSAMOSJES. |
Corine Julle Guest |
#5 Release the bear!2010-11-25 12:19Maintain an animals in capture is horrible most of all in those conditions. This poor bear has done nothing to have a monstrous life in this cage! FREE HIM!! |
Vera Nadezdina Guest |
#6 Freedom To Bear!2010-11-25 15:13Animals have the same rights to land, just like people! |
Maren Dallmann Guest |
#8 Release the bear2010-11-25 18:36I am absolutely horrified by the treatment of this bear and the fact that there is no law to protect animals from this kind of callous and incredibly cruel abuse in Albania. What horrifies me just as much is the fact that the restaurant's costumers seem to accept it. Albania needs to get in line with civilised countries and implement an animal protection law now. |
Lisbeth Amos Guest |
#9 Re: Release the bear2010-11-25 18:41#8: Maren Dallmann - Release the bear Well said! I completely agree! |
Wendy Martin Guest |
#11 Release the bear2010-11-25 23:46"Until he extends the circle of compassion to all livings things, Man will not himself find peace." |
Peter Martin Guest |
#12 Release the bear2010-11-26 00:01Life is as dear to the mute creature as it is to a man. Just as one wants happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and not to die, so do other creatures.”——His Holiness The Dalai Lama |
Holly Harris Guest |
#18 SAVE THIS BEAR NOW!!!2010-11-27 18:42How INHUMANE! HOW could you people do this to this poor bear? You have GOT to KNOW that this is CONSTANT TORTURE and NO living creature deserves this for YOUR ENTERTAINMENT! STOP THIS UNEDUCATED DISGUSTING TORTURE NOW and FREE this bear to a peaceful sanctuary!!! |
Edvin Pacara Guest |
#192010-11-27 19:43The cub is just some months old; his mother was killed and stuffed, it can be found in the same restaurant hanging by a piece of wood. The cub has to suffer in the cage, without its mother to lactate it, while it sees its mother dead, hanging by that wood...If you go to that restaurant, you can see the horror story. And this is only one of the hundreds of restaurants in Albania where they do this. |
Betty Sribnik Guest |
#202010-11-27 20:00I hope that there will be freedom for this poor critter from its tormented life soon. |
Donna Brown Guest |
#212010-11-28 08:42I think this is disgusting the conditions this poor animal lives in and should be removed immediatly as no animal deserves to be locked up in a cage and be subjected to those living conditions. How would you like it if i came and took you away from your home and stuck you in a cage at my restaurant ?? You wouldnt so please help this poor animal from all the suffering and cruelty he is being subjected too!!!!! |
Montserat Camprubí Badia Guest |
#23 Educar sentimientos2010-11-28 23:38Es tan triste, tan horrible y denigrante el solo pensar en el sufrimiento y agonia de ese gran magnífico ser vivo. Solo poniendonos en su piel, solo pensar en esa perdida de libertad, solo mirandolo a los ojos podemos sentir lo que él está sintiendo, padeciendo y cuando despertemos este sentimienti de empatía, solo entonces habremos avanzado como seres racionales, evolucionados, inteligentes y sensibles. Seguro nos sentiremos en paz y seremos mejores |
Marcela Vélez Guest |
#25 Oso enjaulado2010-11-30 09:26Esto es inhumano, cruel e incomprensible- |
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