Reinstatement of Coach Brandon

Reinstatement of Coach Brandon / Announcements / Delivery of Petition / Comments



2015-06-02 16:13

There is a BTA board meeting at FMKP pool clubhouse at 6:30Pm tonight June 2nd. All concerned parents are encouraged to show up in support of Brandon.



2015-06-03 01:56

Thanks to everyone that showed up to the board meeting tonight. We were allowed in and then were advised it was a closed meeting. We were advised to leave so the board could hold the closed meeting. It is understood they have a right to hold a closed meeting.  However, we asked them to make an exception to allow a few swimmers to speak but that request was quickly overruled. This is so disappointing. Unfortunately, we were not allowed to voice any of our concerns even after requesting just 15 minutes of the Board's time. We had several swimmers that had letters they wanted to read and a signed petition they wanted to present to the Board but they were not allowed to do so. We NOW need 25% of the membership to sign a petition to request a special board meeting so we can ask questions and bring up our concerns. Please be on the look out for a petition coming out tomorrow. We need as many signatures as possible but ONLY 1 per family please to request a special board meeting.