Keep ZOO WORLD 2 going on Facebook!

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Keep ZOO WORLD 2 going on Facebook!.



2015-11-28 01:55

Je ne veux pas que Zoo 2 s'arrête !
I want to keep Zoo 2
Thank you



2015-11-28 02:00

please dont end this game. i have 2 autistic babies. this is the only game that they play. if you end this, they have no games to play.

have you thought about this?



2015-11-28 02:01

Because I play zoo world 2



2015-11-28 02:11

Please do not take this game down!



2015-11-28 02:18

i have enjoyed this game, so my signture is in support to keep it going..



2015-11-28 02:49

I have been an avid Zoo player since Zoo 1 was first introduced close to 8 years ago. I also played Zoo 2 for close to 4 years. I have spent thousands upon thousands of hours maintaining and decorating both of my Zoo 1 and Zoo 2's (not to mention real money spent on both games) and take great pride in both zoos. This was not just a game to me, it was therapy, both getting me interested in a project and having access to other people, while I recovered and continue to recover from a stroke. Taking away access to my Zoo 2 masterpiece would break my heart.



2015-11-28 02:58

been playing this game for years now and still playing it.



2015-11-28 03:28

Because this is my favorite game and I play every day. I feel like I've put a lot of time and money in this game and do not want it to end.



2015-11-28 03:33

this is one of my favorite games!! I really don't care for zoo1, because a lot of animals aren't real. I like learning about the animals in zoo2 & trying to make a habitat that they'd find in the real world.



2015-11-28 04:07

I love playing ZOO WORLD 2



2015-11-28 04:22

Want to keep Zoo 2 going.



2015-11-28 04:26

We like the game and we been playing it for 3 year if not more!!! Love the animal information!!1



2015-11-28 04:31

Even my 2 year granddaughter likes to play with me,Game is teaching children to love and protect wildlife.



2015-11-28 05:24

i played zoo world since day 1 and im not spending hours on end and money to have my zoo taken away



2015-11-28 05:55

I've been playing for years and I LOVE my zoo. I play everyday without fail and it helps me whine down before sleep



2015-11-28 05:59

Oh please, I'm playing this game from the very first day it was started. I've spent not only time but a lot of money on it. But first of all I love this game.



2015-11-28 06:22

Because I like playing the game and have invested lots time and money into it.nice having zoo mates(friends that help you out and get to know them and that can only be done by playing the game.



2015-11-28 06:33

why kill it when so many people play,stop being greedy and a lot more would play



2015-11-28 06:43

I do not want the Zoo's to be closed. Please do not shut them down. Many, many people, incluing myself, have a lot of time invested in our Zoo's and are devastated at the thought of them being closed...This is Heartbreaking!!! Please do not shut them down!!!


#70 Re:

2015-11-28 06:45

#65: -  

 The same with me!!! Ive been on mine for years. I get my coffee and get on my Zoo, relax, whine down. Im on mine off/on all day, evening, nighttime. Im gonna be lost without mine.


#71 Re:

2015-11-28 06:49

#3: -  

 I agree with every word!!! My Zoo helps me to relax. I love spending time on mine, it helps me to calm down. About 2yrs ago, i had few minor surgeries but couldnt move around most of the Winter. I was on my Zoo allll the time. It really kept me up and out of the bed. Something, that I love, to help me mentally when I couldnt get around much....Im absolutely heartbroken over this.....



2015-11-28 07:26

my zoo means the world  to me.... please keep it going..... oh and it is therapudic for me....


#73 Zoo World Classic

2015-11-28 07:44

Zoo World Classic is very interesting and funny game which I like to play. Gameskip helps me in playing it.



2015-11-28 07:45

Este es un hermoso juego familiar, al igual que todos hemos invertido dinero, pero eso seria lo de menos por ser un pago por la diversion que recibimos, lo injusto es que hemos dedicado parte de nuestra vida en nuestros zoologicos virtuales, realmente queremos seguir jugando, no han dado ninguna explicacion, solo lo vamos a quitar y ya, ese no es el respeto que nos merecemos por estar jugando sus juegos. Aun quiero pensar que se trata de un error, y que mantendremos nuestro juego...por favor que mas podemos hacer, he mandado mensajes mostrando mi inconformidad a Rock You y a Facebook,,,,y mandare uno dia tras dia.



2015-11-28 09:48

Because it's a simple and nice game.