Save our Hydrotherapy Pool

Contact the author of the petition

This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Save our Hydrotherapy Pool.



2012-11-22 18:42

Cannot believe that NHSB are going to close this facility without any consultation or consideration of an appropraite community based alternative. Public swimming pools in this area are not an alternative for supported hydro. The pools are sparse across the region compared to other councils and lack the facilities that would be required not to mention the fact that the are freezing and noisy (hardly theraputic).
Citizen Smith


2012-11-22 18:53

Please Mr Campbell listen to the honourable people giving their precious time to sign this petition lest we begin to lose all trust in people of your position.


2012-11-22 19:07

Hydrotherapy treatment has great use in all ages and many different clinical conditions - babies to elderly,


2012-11-23 11:33

I've used the hydrotherapy pool to great effect in the past. Her Majesty the Queen would be very disappointed to learn that the facility she opened was now under threat of closure!



2012-11-25 14:42

To suggest that a public swimming pool provides a suitable alternative to a hydrotherapy pool shows a distinct lack of clinical understanding, care and compassion. Unacceptable.
Georgina Murray
The author of this petition

#31 Re:

2012-11-25 23:21

#22: Refuse to use the public pool for treatment -  

 Thank you for your comment and support, the more people who sign our petition the better the chance we can prevent this closure. Can I pick you up on one little point, as far as I am aware this is not a cost cutting exercise but the closure is being proposed to make way for a drastic redevelopment of the BGH. The health board have received £2.2 million to go towards this work !!! and that is why they want to close the hydrotherapy pool, it's in the way!

painful news

#32 They want to close the hydrotherapy pool because ... it's in the way!

2012-11-29 16:40

I was referred a few weeks ago the hydrotherapy pool but told today by my physiotherapist that I would not be receiving my treatment there, due to the forthcoming plans that are in the pipeline at the B.G.H. I'm very disappointed to say the least!!!!!

They want to close the hydrotherapy pool, it's in the way! ... That's shocking!
This valuable asset, if lost will have a detrimental effect on people's well-being.
It will effect people's mental health, they'll be less able to do things for themselves, stuck at home relying on painkillers to alleviate the pain.
The Government want people working, not off sick claiming benefits. The hydrotherapy pool is an aid in helping people returning to work and giving people meaningful lives to lead.
It will be false economy in the long run, the powers that be need to go back to the drawing board and find a way round keeping the hydrotherapy pool in situ and make good use of £2.2 million towards the proposed drastic redevelopment of the B.G.H. for all who rely on N.H.S. Borders.


#33 very valuable service

2012-12-04 16:37

I found hydrotherapy really helpful. The pool is lovely and I received very personalised patient centered care from the physios. It was also good to meet other people struggling with other health problems during my sessions and I think this support is a valuable part of the treatment. I would feel very sad if this service is no longer available to Borders patients.
I think this service could be provided off site, in a small private pool that could be warmed up for the purpose and used for other functions outside clinic times. All the Borders Sport and Leisure Trust pools are all too big to heat up for this purpose. It is a shame that the BGH pool hasn't been used outside clinic times eg for patients making the transition to a public pool and needing less intense supervision making it more economic. Moving the service would however be a real loss to the BGH. The hydrotherapy staff may feel isolated or waste time travelling too and from the facility and patients may not feel as contained in a non-medical setting. Please think again about this decision.

#34 Save our Hydrotherapy Pool

2012-12-06 16:09

From 1988 to 1998 I was Senior Physiotherapist working in Hydrotherapy Department at BGH.
The pool was fully utilised by patients from 9am to 5pm, and we accepted referrals – in patients and outpatients - from Consultants, GP’s and other Health Carers. All know the benefits of this valued treatment.

Hydrotherapy cannot be delivered in ‘any available facility’. Safe access, correct depth of water, the temperature of the water, and instructions from a trained Physiotherapist are essential to give effective treatment.

At BGH we have such a facility. It is a completely self-contained, custom-built hydrotherapy pool with easy access from the main hospital corridor. It cannot be used for any other purpose without completely demolishing the unit. When fully staffed by trained Physiotherapists, we have a resource in the Borders that is the envy of all other Health Boards.

By closing this Pool a service would be withdrawn which would deny a great number of patients valuable and effective treatment.

lou cromie


2012-12-12 10:58

hydrotherapy is the one time a week where my pain becomes bearable and allows me to exercise and recharge ready to face another week.

please save our pool


2012-12-14 18:26

The temperature of the pool is an important factor and as someone suggested I'm sure most people needing this service would be happy to pay a reasonable sum towards maintaining it.

#37 Re:

2013-01-03 00:15

#1: 6 -

My son Sam really benefits from his hydro sessions and it is the ONLY physical exercise he can take part in. The local pools are too cold and he cannot take his physio with him. Add to that the indignity of being hauled through public changing areas and it is simply not on. This pool is well used and NEEDED by so many people!



2013-01-03 00:56

This pool has to be saved for all the people who desperately need it.

#39 Re:

2013-01-07 15:23

#1: 6 -

Therapies that work save money!

I’ve just benefited from several weeks of hydrotherapy at the BGH.  I am delighted to be able to say that I can
now walk straight again and am off the vast number of painkillers I needed to
manage the pain caused by slipped discs. 
I was offered an operation
following an MRI scan.  Thanks to the
dedication of physio staff working with me in the hydrotherapy pool NHS Borders
will be saved the expense of that operation. 

I no longer need it!


#40 Re:

2021-02-06 14:06

#19: Helen -  

I understand your indignation. My city also began to use a bans strategy due to panic. Many public pools have been closed, including a winter outdoor pool for swimmers to train. I have always preferred this option because they used special robots to clean the pool. This allowed not to use chemicals and decide the falling frog problem. I am tired of being out of active training as it badly affects my well-being. I don't have a large swimming pool at home ((