Freedom Fighter

/ #40 What happened to our constitutional rights to own property?

2013-07-17 03:58

Thought this was the land of the free, how is it that we are being ripped off by our own government? I did not get into this partnership without knowing the risks, obviously we could loose our money in a bigger way in the stock market. Land/real estate, always has some value, no matter the market. It should be up to the owner when it gets sold, not some other entity, they did not buy it, we did. Unless someone informs me that our land investment was bogus and all of our invested money is gone, and we don't really own anything, then this Receiver should be brought to court to face a suit to get the money he stole from us. What kind of thief is operating in our government? Maybe a few calls to the justice department, and our congresspeople are needed.