Oppose German Shepherd Dog Standard Revision coat, color, and DQ


/ #28 GSD Standard

2013-10-29 18:24

I totally agree in not changing the standard. Our standard was written for a reason a long time ago. Why is it all of a sudden on the the top of our list and focal point? I have nothing against a white Shepherd or who owns one. Why do they think after all this years of breeding against the standard it should be acceptable to change it? I would like to see more of a reason to allow the color of white as a fault or serious fault. You don't see blue or liver color shepherds around Confirmation or performance. Why? Because breeders are not intentionaly breed those colors. Does it happen? Yes but they are sold to great pet homes. People who are breeding the color white, is doing so with full knowledge that these dogs are not bred to the German Shepherd Standard. They blend into blue, liver, panda ect colors that in our standard is a DQ, just like ears that are down, bites that are under shot, not having two testicles, missing teeth ect. Are we going to change the standard on those also? Someone mentioned that they have their own club, nationals ect. I am sorry, but they are moving forward to making this color acceptable whether they are following the standard or not. I guess our standard and everything we believe in our breed means nothing to them. They are looking at a color and not the breed as a whole. What does that say about the breeders? Sorry for any (sp)