Oppose German Shepherd Dog Standard Revision coat, color, and DQ

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#26 Oppose German Shepherd Dog Standard Revision coat, color, and DQ

2013-10-29 16:21

The purposed breed changes are beyond absurd and they are not consistent with the breed founder, Capt. Max von Stephanitz who believed and expressed in his writings (i.e. "The German Shepherd Dog in Word & Picture") and statements! If those who are expressing nonsense politically correct nexus as a reason and justification for the purposed changes get their way, the German Shepherd Dog breed will be destroyed! It is an attempt by some in the GSDCA to get more people (i.e. the White GSD owners to join the GSDCA so membership grows and the GSDCA get more money in their pockiet!!!  Those wanting this change are NOT interested in maintaining the breed if they want such unconscionable changes to the standard.  The current standard should stand as it is.  When the SV initiates or purposes such changes, then and only then should the GSDCA membership even consider them.



2013-10-29 18:22

The GSDCA should not stand in the way of the White German Shepherd Dog fancy from forming their own AKC recognized club.


#28 GSD Standard

2013-10-29 18:24

I totally agree in not changing the standard. Our standard was written for a reason a long time ago. Why is it all of a sudden on the the top of our list and focal point? I have nothing against a white Shepherd or who owns one. Why do they think after all this years of breeding against the standard it should be acceptable to change it? I would like to see more of a reason to allow the color of white as a fault or serious fault. You don't see blue or liver color shepherds around Confirmation or performance. Why? Because breeders are not intentionaly breed those colors. Does it happen? Yes but they are sold to great pet homes. People who are breeding the color white, is doing so with full knowledge that these dogs are not bred to the German Shepherd Standard. They blend into blue, liver, panda ect colors that in our standard is a DQ, just like ears that are down, bites that are under shot, not having two testicles, missing teeth ect. Are we going to change the standard on those also? Someone mentioned that they have their own club, nationals ect. I am sorry, but they are moving forward to making this color acceptable whether they are following the standard or not. I guess our standard and everything we believe in our breed means nothing to them. They are looking at a color and not the breed as a whole. What does that say about the breeders? Sorry for any (sp)



2013-10-29 22:52

I do not agree with color revisions to the German Shepherd breed standard. Take a lesson from the Quarter Horse Association. They refused to allow Quarter Horses with white above knees and hocks. And so the Paint Horse Association was formed. Paint Registration and subsequent shows are huge business. White or other color German Shepherds can do the same.

#30 GSDC Breed Standard

2013-10-30 06:08

Don't change it! Adding white dogs will degenerate the breed. We've been trying to breed them out for at least 50 yrs., long coats too! Something is rotten in Denmark as my Dad would say. Something to be gained monetarily by someone high up to bring this up.
Deb and Kota

#31 Oppose German Shepherd Dog Standard Revision coat, color, and DQ

2013-10-30 17:46

The GSD Standard has held thru the decades because it is RIGHT for our breed. The proposed changes are not only NOT needed, but if implemented, would cause degradation of the Breed - GSDs of all colors, coats, nose colors, etc. There was a reason Capt Max von Stephanitz carefully crafted our Breed, and we need to uphold those high standards, not open them to any GSD that now would be considered at fault or disqualified. We simply cannot allow changes to a Standard that isn't broken. I'm the proud owner of a well-bred AKC GSD that is my Psychiatric and Mobility Service Dog. She is extremely intelligent and trainable - and that's because her co-breeders only breed to the Standard - resulting in my having a super Service Dog. Please DO NOT CHANGE our current Standard. Why in heavens name would anyone want to change a Standard that produces excellent, quality dogs??



2013-10-30 18:54

I do not support either changing the standard, or separating white GSD's from the breed.
Parent Club(GSDCA) leadership should should have vetted the issue with club members prior to moving forward with any process to alter the breed standard



2013-10-30 23:41

Dilbert says,




2013-10-31 04:22

I will not be voting for this Standard revision. I believe the Standard is fine just the way it is. The GSDCA should let the whites go so they can develop their own breed in this country.



2013-10-31 20:58

have no problem with our Standard as it is now. It was written for a purpose and that purpose is still valad.



2013-11-01 00:44

Past experts decided that white was not desirable and I don't see that anything has changed or how this will benefit the breed. I think they should stay a DQ in the conformation ring.

This post has been removed by the author of this petition (Show details)

2013-11-01 14:21

Scott Yergin


2013-11-01 16:53

I have to agree with #16. What are the driving reasons for these purposes changes? Money? Trying to increase the membership? Create more involvement with new people? Granted these are the hope for improvements, but at what cost. It sounds like another division or group within the parent club. I hit most shows every weekend and I can't say I see much involvement from the WDA members and visa-versa. Somehow I can't see a future white long coat Grand Victor helping the above needs. I love these dogs white, long coat or just the way it is.
My suggestion is better education about the long coat issue as stated in the present standard. And maybe asking the white GS club to have there National the day after ours? I'll be happy to show to support there cause.
Jack Kilgour


2013-11-02 02:53

I thank all of my fellow German Shepherd Dog Fanciers who have contributed their time and effort to full discussion on this matter. I appreciate the arguments and the different points of view.
This particular reasoning hit a home run for me - Thank you Dorothy Linn (Linnloch German Shepherd Dogs and long time Leader/Board Member of the German Shepherd Dog Club of America) for your wisdom/mentoring.
"One of the most important functions in the Constitution and By Laws of the GSDCA is to guard the improvement of the Breed using the GSD Breed Standard as a cornerstone.
Why in the world would we completely disregard the principles on which this Club was founded , by legitimizing ANY of the faults the founders of this Breed worked so hard to discard ?

Vicki Roye


2013-11-02 11:06

I am struggling with much of the discussion on whites/long coats.

It is NOT about if whites or pandas or whatever are purebred or not. They are. There is no need to discuss DNA testing. They ARE German Shepherd Dogs. Period.

It is not about if they carry genes for health problems or not. Of course they do. Just like the black and tans.

It is 100% about the standard. From the beginning of the breed, whites and pale colors were held in disfavor. They were bred out of the gene pool as quickly as possible. A standard is a blueprint for excellence. By design it is both EXCLUSIVE and ELITIST. Breeding proper dogs of any breed requires an adherence to the standards for excellence. A 16 inch Chihuahua may be a very fine dog, but it is NOT a typical chihuahua and those who seek to breed such animals do not abide by the written standard for the breed. That is their choice, but the Chihuahua parent club would be remiss to change the standard to cater to those who do such breedings. Ditto with our parent club whose very mission statement is to defend and support the standard.

The founders of the breed had a clear vision for our breed. It described an animal of a certain size, a certain build, a certain coat, a certain color, and foremost certain temperament and character traits. I implore all serious shepherdists to read and re-read Von Stephanitz’s book. And to talk to and read about training dogs for work—what is required. The book Working Dogs which details the Fortunate Fields breeding program is superb.

Many, many AKC breeds have standards that excludes certain colors and markings as they are not typical for the breed. Many people purposely breed for the undesired colors (per the standards) and I am sure many of those dogs are quite nice. But they are not typical for the breed.

The parent clubs do not need to pander to these people to “include” them. They breed dogs outside the scope of their breed standards ON PURPOSE.

This club was formed to defend and promote the standard.

Changing whites, which were always held in disfavor, from DQ to very serious diminishes the standard. It does not make the standard more robust.

It actually appeases and encourages those who do NOT adhere to our standard and deliberately and with intent breed dogs who do not conform to our standard. Will the breed suffer if this happens? Probably not. There will always be a core of breeders who strive to breed the proper GSD. Just as there will be those who strive for unusual colors, large size, etc. However, do we want our club to reach out to and pander to those people?

Do we want our voting membership to become increasingly dominated by those who have no regard for our standard?

To me it is simple. Do we defend our standard, or do we not? Are we seeking to redesign and change our breed? These are the real questions.

Dorothy Linn


2013-11-02 11:09

"One of the arguments I keep hearing that favor eliminating whites off the DQ list, is that the breed's historical origin documents 'use of white shepherd dogs"-

Well,--- the founders of the breed not only used white dogs , but dogs with soft long coats, "beaver" coats, round yellow eyes, floppy ears, square dogs, tall dogs, curly tails, BUT they Were functioning "shepherd" dogs.

Von Stephanitz isolated from these "shepherd" dogs, the epitome of all characteristics of form and function towards his vision imparted in todays German Shepherd Dog Standard he also attempted to ruthlesslly discard untypical traits (albeit now recessives) which were then relegated to a series of faults and disqualifications for breeders----- unfortunately,---- to deal with , until this day.

Look at the Best of our breed today and observe the historical development from a conglomeration of shepherd dog types into a marvelous dog with beauty, elegance, sturdiness and utility , distinctive fearless look (in dark almond shaped eyes), character, intelligence, and yes, rich color and expressive markings, along with a suspension of gait which is distinctive from any other breed.

One of the most important functions in the Constitution and By Laws of the GSDCA is to guard the improvement of the Breed using the GSD Breed Standard as a cornerstone.
Why in the world would we completely disregard the principles on which this Club was founded , by legitimizing ANY of the faults the founders of this Breed worked so hard to discard ?"

Dorothy Linn
Thank you!


2013-11-05 15:56

This was available for signature October 28, 2013 and commenced on November 1st, 2013. During this time 220 people signed it. The list of participants who signed this are easily recognized by The Board of Directors of The German Shepherd Dog Club of America; the majority are very well known in our breed. Of the 220 signatures, over 200 have owner or bred an AKC tilted German Shepherd. 200 are also members of The GSDC of America and/or a local club. The 220 particpants have over 7200 years combined history in our breed, the average number of years in German Shepherds exceeds 32 years of experience.
Closed the petition November 1st. Linda Bankhead

#43 Submitted to AKC/GSDCA BOD/Judges Advisory Committee

2013-11-05 16:07

If anyone would like a copy of what was sent to AKC, GSDCA BOD, and Judges Advosry Committee please email me at Lindabankhead44@gmail.com. I am leaving the site open in the event anyone wants to verify IP addresses. I have sent the excel spreadsheet of signatures and also two letters from Vicki Roye and Dorothy Linn.



2013-12-05 20:40

The founder of the breed is NOT approve of white or washed out colors and that is in his book!  The book was publiished in 1925 and is available in the U.S.A...was tranlated into English years ago.  The proposed change is absurd and could cause me to drop my membership in the GSDCA! If the SV has not initiated this change, then the change should not take place!



2014-05-22 22:24

The. Standard was created for a reason.