
/ #10

2013-11-06 16:40

If you want to express your feelings towards the City Government- here is their contact info. I emailed them all and have yet to hear a response. An adopter recently diagnosed with Lyme disease also emailed the Mayor and he also did not respond even with a courtesy reply. Your tax $$ goes to pay their salaries and as they are public servants- an email would be the polite thing to do when someone contacts them. Your tax $$ is paying the prosecutor that told me to dump my kitties in the local shelter. Wouldn’t $$ be better spent educating the citizens of Wood Dale about the dangers of tick borne disease affecting our families and pets?
Nunzio Pulice
Current Term: May 2011- May 2015
Contact Information:, (630) 595-8545
Jeffrey Mermuys, (City Manager), Phone: 630-766-4900, Fax: 630-766-3898
Find your Ward Alderman here
Antonino "Tony" Catalano Alderman Ward 3
Current Term: May 2013- May 2017

Contact Information: Email:, Phone: (630) 350-9646

What I plan to accomplish during my term:
• Communicate and being accessible with the residents of the 3rd Ward. REALLY? Might that also include returning emails??
Christine Winger/Deputy Mayor
Alderman Ward 3

Current Term: May 2011- May 2015
Contact Information:
Phone: (630) 766-5798
Ran into Christine’s Dad at the Wood Dale Post Office the third week of October after my second court appearance and filled him in that I emailed his daughter about the issue of some of my older dog’s lives being at risk. She did leave me a VM saying she was a dog lover and I haven’t heard from her since.

My next court appearance in on November 19. If you think my case is ridiculous- please sign my petition and let them know you think so too.