Stop Turn In Retalliation on UW Campuses

Concerned colleague

/ #2 Petition should be about mental illness support

2013-11-16 06:38

You voluntarily withdrew from the program after refusing to seek the mental health assistance that you are in dire need of. No student in your department or the dean of students would 'retaliate' against a sexual assault victim. Your petition is irrational and makes no sense. The community here wishes you nothing but the best and hopes very much that you seek help so you can move on from your trauma and join a graduate program in the future - after you have taken care of yourself. You have a lot to say , I hope you get well so you can have a solid platform from which to communicate. In the mean time, move forward and seek help. The sooner you do that the sooner you will get clarity on what actually happened at UW and in your department. No one is retaliating , no one is out to get you, no one is discriminating against you as an assault victim or as a female art student. The sooner you get help the sooner you can let go of all this anger towards others and see that there is no one to blame for your untimely departure from the program.