
Enough is enough!

/ #6 8 Years of Broken Promises

2014-03-27 22:19

Each year students are told “your program’s application will be submitted to CAHME for accreditation” and also not to worry, “just tell your potential employer our program is up for candidacy.” ALL LIES! Even employers no longer have faith in the program because they too were told lies dated far back as 2006. The decision makers for this program aren’t worried about getting this program accredited because they all received their degrees from accredited programs. For instances, the decision makers rarely recruit to have students in this program and the decision makers do not form affiliations with health affiliates like the previous program lead. Basically, they do not advocate for their students, the students advocate for themselves to get ahead, which one should. It is sad to know students go through this rigorous program with pride and high expectations only to be told by potential employers your degree is not worth a hoot, especially when you are compared against students from accredited programs for internships or fellowships. Please be aware, this is the 21 Century and most jobs are checking to see if your degree program is accredited. It should not take 14 years for accreditation. If the decision makers truly want this program to succeed, please get this program accredited to attract more students. For the one or two respectable professors who truly love what they do and want this program to succeed, kudos to you all!