Hide the Zombies

Zombie Alice

/ #8

2014-04-28 08:43

As people have already stated, this gets advertised HEAPS! I went around handing posters out and got to 20+ different places in town, there is also advertisement on Facebook and the newspaper! This is an annual thing that brings fun and enjoyment to people's lives! It only happens for 2 hours and it isn't hard to go "oh, my kids don't like zombies or blood... Better stay out of town today" and if you MUST be in town on that day, don't bring your children... If you HAVE to bring your children, go into town during the hours there are no zombies walking around! I saw so many tourists who were loving it and my group ended up holding up the ending speech/prize giveaway because of how many tourists and other people wanted our photos because of how much they liked it! And then, there were a air few kids in it... Some who were probably only like 1 year old and it didn't bother them... I had a girl about 4 or 5 come up to me, smiling an waved saying "bye bye!" Just before leaving and she stood there smiling at me for a moment longer before walking off... I was on the ground, a bloodied rabbit with its head half off its body in my mouth and it didn't faze her one little bit! And I am sorry but, a zombie dance? Sounds kinda silly because... Zombies don't dance and if we were to act like zombies, in a hall or something, it would get belong because it would just be us, doing nothing for a couple hours... And if it were to a at a later time to suit those with little kids, it would probably be way too cold and dark and lite kids who cruelly want to see it or participate wouldn't be able to... So that is taking away the privellge to them... This whole petition is so stupid because there are so many GOOD things about the zombie walk and if you are worried about your kids seeing it, it is easily avoided WITHOUT having to stop it or ruin it all together for those who WANT to do it or who LIKE it.