Rectify an unjust situation regarding the name of a boy in Quebec

Maia VelevA

/ #5 Format of Bulgarian names

2014-06-07 23:17

Ignorance is not an excuse! My name is Veleva, my sons' names are Lazar Velev and Alex Velev. When I came to Canada I insisted my name to retain the Bulgarian female format of the family name Velev, which is VelevA. Every time when I was signing school papers, I signed as VelevA. Often the teachers notes would refer to Alex VelevA and/or Lazar VelevA. My kids understood the difference and were very often insisting I change my name to Velev, so the kids are not calling them Mommy's boys. It did take time and effort to explain to them the self respect I had put in my name and keeping the Bulgarian format.
Canada is a democratic multicultural country. Quebec is (presumably) a province of Canada with it's own ethnic specifics. The long time going political fight is to keep the ethnicity and the cultural traditions of the french in Canada. Why would they apply double standards!?