"Clayton Luclay Misoya" ROBBED OF VICTORY


/ #1512

2011-08-30 11:03

Well said #1511,After "LOOKING AT THE PERSONS CHARACTER",the persons with the deserving character coincidentally always includes a Nigerian ever since the prize was increased to $200k,they then start manipulating the strap messages and news to create hype around their chosen one and limit all other strap messages.Always the other messages that are allowed to repeat many times,are the ones that insult the South African participant and all South Africans.In our own country?
When the South African participant single handedly stopped the others from going on strike,was it ever on their news update? Never,no mention of it at all because it would have helped to endear him to many people and he was not the chosen one.When he won the support of many viewers beyond expectation,it created a headache for the scammers because he was not the chosen one.Thats why on the Sunday before the very last nomination,he was given a secret task that would annoy the others and make them nominate him.That was supposed to get rid of him on the last week after using him to pull viewership.He was too smart for them when he realized the risk and revealed the secret task.
I say all this to open the eyes of those that still dont see what this crooks are up to.
Out with this corrupt show and its biased management.