Tired of being betrayed

/ #330 Glading the Incompetent

2014-11-12 02:39

Glading is a selfish delusional egomaniac without remorse, conscience or regret. Her high and mighty attitude and elbow rubbng with the corporate elite have emotionally removed her from any direct connection to her membership. She has said, as is available on an "informational roadshow video ", that she doesn't read or respond to the numerous emails she receives. Quote: "I don't care. I don't care about that sh*t". Yes, she's quite the professional.

She might be a sociopath.

She has abused her office, pilferred the coffers of our hard earned dues for an inflated salary which she voted herself a raise to, while the rest of us where clipping coupons, flying an ungodly amount of hours to make ends meet,  (and to try to catch up with the rising cost of living), and has violated the sacred oath a true union president takes unto themselves to serve, protect and inform.

The APFA headquarters being located in Texas in much too close proximity to the management, lends itself to the comaraderie between the two which is in direct conflict to the membership. Cocktail parties, attending VIP weddings ad nauseum are the ingredients for power and greed, a very difficult temptation to resist.

She is a liar.

Her ego has taken her to our nation's capitol, where she fancied herself a sort of senator, lavishing in 5 star hotels and a very generous expense account. She imagined her current position as a catapult to the glories of those political halls.

She has always remained unapproachable, inacessible and indifferent to the needs of those that pay her this very generous salary.  She has remained secretive, hiding her true intentions with ploys, delays and misleading information to make under the table deals so she can ingratiate herself even more.

With the recent defeat of her so called "industry leading contract", (which she deemed unecesary to inform the membership about in detail and with enough time prior to voting), she has shown her true colors in her released heart wrenching statement. My God, the woman is devastated.  We have ruined her plans. How dare we.  She may learn now that her uselfullness to the company's expiration date has arrived. She is also no longer an effective negotiator or go between for us since her credibility has been destroyed with the lies she has been caught in.

She betrayed us.

I for one, am relieved the veil of this impostor has been removed. The Masquerade is over.

Please Glading, resign as quickly as possible without your undeserved perks and unlimited positive space flying for life. Good grief, this union needs an intense colonic cleansing.

The ugliness of our current state of affairs is only matched to her ugliness, she is quite ugly.