Keep 19 Kids and Counting on TLC!

The Mumster

/ #298 19 Kids and Counting

2014-11-20 00:13

Television programming is about business which is obviously based on the idea of generating a profit.  Are you making money on "19 Kids & Counting"?  I have never heard of the show until this little broo-ha-ha.  Be thankful to the people who are bringing you free advertising but don't think that their voices are doing anything other than assisting you with added attention.  I will try and watch the program next times it airs in my area.  Personally, I would like to see programming decisions motivated by what is best for viewers based on principles of Godliness and not so much on turning a dollar.  I am aware that this is wishful thinking.  When your advertisers pull out then you will have to do what you have to do.  Until then, keep the show and don't be afraid of a little noise.  Just know that there are millions of us who haven't given in to political correctness at the expense of our souls.

One last thought, free speech is protected.  Those who would silence the opposition are enemies of the state.  Don't aid and abet them.  They have a right to speak their so-called minds and so do the Duggars.  If they don't like what is being said they should try rebuttal not economic destruction.