Keep 19 Kids and Counting on TLC!


/ #1287

2014-11-20 07:28

The Duggar Family are a good wholesome family and people of faith. They have the right to voice their beliefs and I feel that is all they did. So they should not be punished for that by having their show cancelled. If anything we need more shows like 19 kids and counting that inspire people to be kinder to each other and set such a wonderful example of how we should all treat one another and the importance of family values. At a time when so many are trying to take god out of our schools and many other places the duggars remind us that God is still such a big part of lives and that we should as families include him in our day to day lives because he is our very foundation. I think many have forgotten this. So lets keep the Duggars on TLC so people can continue to watch them grow as a family and remember if you take them off the air you are not just punishing them but the people who appreciate their show and their family.