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/ #1634 Re:

2014-11-20 15:28

#51: Guest -  

 Totally agree with this statement. The Duggers have never put anyone or anything down. I don't think they should have to be pentalized for their beliefs,  isn't that why we have america today? Isn't this what we fought for when this new land was found and formed? Everyone has a right to their own beliefs and what they believe in. Not one Dugger said you  must live exactly the way we do. It isn't any diffferent than someone else quoting a bible verse or quoting the President. It was not directed at anyone person. If we can't express are thoughts and our own beliefs than what is all our American soldiers fighting for and dieing for? This is American and I for one love my freedom and my family fought for this country. We all have the right to believe in what we want too. Save the Duggars.