Help The Recovery of the Wye Salmon

Geordie Rod

/ #79 Re:

2015-02-26 21:44

#1: -  

 Observations of spawning on the North Tyne and elsewhere blows the theory of the fallacy that salmon mate with a chosen female.On the redds it is a gang bang with many males fertilising the females so much for genetic integrity; even very small fish get involved.

As everyone can see stocking doesn't work on the River Tyne!!!!! Even the devious methods the EA have used to nullify the effects of the success of Kielder Hatchery by tagging only one fish in twenty or even more. Drop the stocking at Kielder and the Tyne will soon see its runs dwindle away.

The fish reared from Kielder Hatchery are top class fish fit enough to get to Greenland and back.

It is about time that all salmon anglers should be demanding a better deal from the EA, DEFRA ETC and all the other ineffective organisations and quangoes that get in the way of improving fish stocks in our rivers.

If we continue to alllow these people to manage OUR rivers the way they do we'll have nothing to fish for.